29 April 2021 Another sort of wet day which ended in some rather glorious skies. I have not had a particularly mindful day. Things have whizzed by with my being present but not taking part. I did get a fair bit of work done though. Even if some of that was preparing for a work quiz tomorrow. We are going to look at some animal skeletons and guess which species they belong to. Dolphins have some very odd skeletons. The sort where it is hard to guess it is a dolphin in someways until you think about the skull. At around 4 o'clock, I kept hearing a ping. It confused me as my phone does not make that sound and it wasn't coming from my laptop. After 30 minutes of hearing this noise occasionally andbeing very confused, I decided to go wait in different rooms for it. Silly me forgot about my work phone. Just a bit of a daft one! Ah well.