๐Ÿ‘ฝ krixano

AuraGem Ask has had some updates:

New Daily Digest page: gemini://auragem.space/~ask/dailydigest

Ability to edit title and text of questions, and text of answers.

The Recent Activity page has new line breaks in between different days

A new Your Questions page to show all of your questions

Fixed a bug that truncated question titles

7 months ago ยท ๐Ÿ‘ astromech, freezr


[1] gemini://auragem.space/~ask/dailydigest


๐Ÿ‘‹ Join Station

3 Replies

๐Ÿ‘ฝ krixano

@freezr Thanks :)

I'm not sure about using email, especially since my ISP, afaik, would block email (ISPs in the US likely do this because of email spam, or to get people to buy an internet business package). However, I can do some notification system in a similar fashion to how @martin did it with station. Another thing that I've tried to do, though... and I do this with a lot of my subcapsules, is make many of the pages support GemSub Feeds, because I think that's a useful standard that makes handling these types of things easier. So far, the recent activity page, as well as question pages, support gemsub. ยท 7 months ago

๐Ÿ‘ฝ freezr

@krixano Auragem ASK is already HUGE and it will grove more since the point is to make it permanent, I guess.

Because its size without a notification system is hard to track back your activities, I bet you probably are already working on this.

For me an email notification would be fine, is it possible getting the email from the user stored certificate? ยท 7 months ago

๐Ÿ‘ฝ krixano

Fixed another bug that stripped blank lines in the middle of posts. Now only blank lines (and whitespace) at the very beginning and end of a post will be stripped/trimmed. ยท 7 months ago