05 May 2021 A fairly forgetful day today. Mostly filling forms in for a funding bid and wondering why people love macro filled excel files. Why use macros to shuffle sheets around? Why use excel for a form? The joys of corporate mandated windows use with an attitude of 'office is all you need'. Weather is improving and some pretty sky to look at tonight. There are lots of local elections tomorrow and I have somewhere different to go and vote. The election is for the region mayor, police person who seems to be a waste of money and local councillors. I have not really seen the point in the police and crime commissioner. It is a voted in political role to work with the police somehow. I have noticed no changes other than some entertaining scandals where they hire some cronies without due diligence and are surprised when caught out. I am always dubious of someone who wants to be in politics. Just seems an odd thing to want to do outside of helping people. I would say it doesn't pay but the ever revolving door for former politicians into banks, newspapers and various other nefarious businesses suggest otherwise.