08 August 2021 Today I ache, itch and have a weird hot throbbing feel around various parts of the body. There is a scrubbed feeling with whiffs of smoke and shampoo. The mind is tired but happy. Well why am I feeling like this? FIRST SCOUT CAMP IN 1 YEAR AND 6 MONTHS!! Yes, we have finally managed to have a camp. Everyone passed their covid tests at the start and so we were able to go into the woods and play with fires. It was wonderful. We did plenty of sawing, pioneering, fire lighting and chilling around the fire. The explorers were great and generally well behaved. Well, other than a particular pair who are great individually but when together become beavis and butthead level morons. They were caught stabbing a notice board with a knife. So I had to shout for the first time in years. I worked out it was 4 years ago when I had caught them peeing out of trees. The cycle of time is entertaining at times. The camp was mostly spent relaxing and it was nice. As ever with Explorers, music is ever present. This lead to some camp fire side dancing of the macarena, YMCA and other cheesy delights. I had forgotten how achy and tired camp leaves me. It takes so much effort and yet feels rewarding. I had the pleasure of seeing Explorers who I have known since they were 8 grow into great, well behaved and helpful 16 year olds. They were great to camp with, teach lessons to, learn from and spend time with. Of course, it helps being part of a great leadership team, all of whom are friends. I also had the pleasure of trying a hammock. I found it an odd affair. It was not helped with my falling out while trying to get back in after a night time pee. I fell some 3 times in a row!! The swaying was odd for a while too. Add to this an inappropriate sleeping bag (I underestimated the difference a bivvy bag makes for night sleeping) and I had a fairly urrgghh first night. The second night was good. Tiredness helps alot! Lots of lessons learnt for next time. Shall have to go give it a go again some time. If you want the definition of pleasure, go on a great camp with fire, friends and lovely people. Spend it mostly around a fire. Let the grime build up and then come home all achy and smiley. Get in that shower, eat something highly calorific and then own a beer. That first sip takes so much effort to reach but feels amazing. It hits beautifully and sets you up for a deep sleep if you can avoid sleeping until actual bed time. It is always a hard fight when on the sofa!