17th July 2022, Vertigo So covid was... interesting. I was mostly hit hard on the Saturday and found myself in a fit of fever madness. Sunday was not so bad and I stayed off work Monday mostly as a eff you for having no weekend. Tuesday started out alright but then I was hit by a feeling of sheer madness. I could not move without the room swinging around. This continued for several days with a severity where I was struggling to walk to the toilet. I didn't eat for several days as I felt so confused. Sitting up involved several slow movements almost in a single axis. Friday is when it slowly started to improve and I found myself able to sit up for longish periods on Saturday. I am still struggling to walk without some balance issues. I think it is labyrinthitis, an infection of the ear which causes vertigo. The right ear is pretty bad and I can't hear out of it. Through in some tinnitus and it seems pretty text book. Sort of torn with going to a GP as they can't really do anything but it is also something you want to keep touch on. It also feels like I should get a doctors note about it with work as this can take a fair while to clear up. We seem to have stupid heat appearing tomorrow. Well stupid heat for the UK.. 38 degrees Celsius! Not looking forward to this really. Poor Barry the crested gecko is not going to be a happy chap either. I have fans going for him and will be using evaporative cooling with a large bowl of water to help him. Some ice packs in the worst part of the day should help too. This crazy weather is not designed for Stugs or Barrys it seems.