馃懡 smokey

Yo, IT people. Do me a favor. When you're discussing your job online bragging about how you do jack-shit for work yet get paid 6 figures to play on the internet all day, actually specify the title instead of the old "I do IT" schtick. Its like calling everyone who remotely works with rocks a stoner. Miner? Stoner. Construction worker? Stoner. Mason? Stoner! Details, people! Details. Also for any IT oldheads reading, is it still worth getting into? I imagine theres a ton of competition now that computers are so popular and learning to program is a free skill.

11 months ago 路 馃憤 cinni, xandra, birabittoh


馃憢 Join Station

6 Replies

馃懡 bavarianbarbarian

@smokey I suffer from ADHS/autism, so i get bored really fast after doing the the same job for serveral years. I simply like to learn new things. My favorite job, hard to say, i liked everyone of them in a different manner, except security. If i had to pick one, IT develpoment, cos i like to play around with bleeding edge stuff and big hardware. Ok, to be honest, to be a husband was my worst job xD 路 11 months ago

馃懡 smokey

@bavarianbarbarian Sounds like you've lived an interesting life! Thanks for sharing your 'CV' lol!

Thats a lot of different types of work you've done over your career, good on you for diversifying your skillsets, If I may ask, why did you fluxuate between so many job types? Also, what were some of your favorite jobs and why? 路 路 11 months ago

馃懡 bavarianbarbarian

Got divorced, joined EON as a Sysadmin in a nuclear power plant.

In between, i drove armoured vehicles for money and diamond transports, did some security at the Oktoberfest.

Then again als cable guy, pizza delivery, professional driver, writer, sculpturer, artist, cook, gardener and cuddler of cats. Enough CV so far? xD 路 11 months ago

馃懡 bavarianbarbarian

Ok, let it go, i started my IT career as a dns hostmaster, i introduced idn domains at a major german ISP,

then switched to the next major ISP doing B2B domain trading. After that, I did some more relaxing work like

plumbing and cabeling electric stuff. Then i joined Toshiba development team, got married, switched to HP development site as a senior Unix sysadmin. 路 11 months ago

馃懡 marginalia

I usually say I work in IT because when I tell people what I do their eyes sort of glaze over... 路 11 months ago

馃懡 mc

LOL 路 11 months ago