Here is a strange contradiction: To believe in God, we are told, is simultaneously too simpleminded and too complex. It is far easier and economical to believe the universe arose without a guiding intelligence. Yet it is also simpleminded to believe in a guiding intelligence. In other words, religious people are too unsophisticated to realize that the belief they hold is too intellectually complex for the problem.
- David J. Wholpe, Why Faith Matters
9 months ago ยท ๐ c10h14n2, deerbard
@bavarianbarbarian, Thor may have had a hammer, but Christ killed Death.
Hell took a man and met God face-to-face ยท 9 months ago
I 'believe' in not knowing everthing, but I have no need to create some strange weird ghost creature in my mind to understand everthing for me and tell me it's his will what everthing is what's going on. Science explained more things in the past than gods did... but if I had to choose.... Jesus was nailed to the cross, Thor has a hammer... I choose Valhall xD ยท 9 months ago
I always felt like the people who beleive in God believe something different than those who don't belive in God don't believe in. I like Eriugena's crypto-neoplatonist take that God does infact not exist, because he transcends being. ยท 9 months ago