20230218 Caturday


DIT = 0.61 - 0728cst

Actually, we don't have a cat any more. Last one was "set free" because my sister has Dunning-Kreuger (sp?)

She was a "cool" cat... the cat, that is.

Spent much of the day yesterday converting a pamphlet on Mass Line from the print layout in a PDF to one long HTML doc. My observations? All editors for Linux/UNIX have some issue or another that make editing HTML a nightmare. There are NONE that can do the job that Notepad++ does. Also, Wine SUUUUUUUUCCCKKKKSSS! Edited a part of said dob IN NP++! in Wine and the file did not write. I was so pissed I did look to see why. Fuck that shit. It was slow and buggy anyways. I'LL JUST HAVE TO SUCK IT UP. FML


DIT 7.39 - 23.45cst

Bankman Fried was made an example of...

Google that exact phrase for proof




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