ugh this would work better if I sat up
much digging down gopher holes... much thots subsequent
edit: also what do i WANT
I always open this, then totally forget what I was going to type out. I suppose it was to tell the story of the ABSOLUTE WORRY SCARE I experienced last night, after I got some grapes out to eat, and then giving each doggo one. Little frenchie started playing with his, and I thought it was cute, so I looked up "dog playing with grape"...
which I do not advised doing after you've just given grapes to dogs. Apparently grapes are worse than chocolate. Needless to say, I went through all the things I might need to say/do IF what I had just read was true. Especially what I was going to tell my sister, as these two little ones are "hers" (I'm sure you are aware these breeds are rather $$) Not to menion just how tragic this all would be.
I fed them after taking them outside to have them eat ANYTHING I could find (like all that charred wood that they obviously had already ate months before) they ate grass like they always do, but didn't drink any water. Then I just gave in and brought their bowls into this room and hoped for the best. Some time later I thought... maybe that whole thing is rather overblown (a tin foil hat magically appeared on my head) like, is it all a scam of sorts to get people to buy insurance, as well as get people to rush to the vet. Gotta keep that machine running.
IDK... tbbh, I do not want to go down the rabbit hole, not even to see if grapes really are THAT bad. Not yet, at least. Let me bask in the knowledge that all 3 doggos seem to be just fine, now, some 18 hours later.
But just to be safe... never again will I just toss whatever at any animal as a treat. Not anything I have not ever given them before. Whoa.
just tried to log into sdf after 1) I got a changed cert error in amfora when I accessed their gemini://sdf.org host, then 2) did not see my gemini page in the list...
and the tty says permission denied when I insert my passw
also, same error occured with astrobotany@mozz but I was still able to use it
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