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This Port of the week will introduce you to a Pie-menu for X11, available on OpenBSD since 6.9 (not released yet). A pie menu is a circle with items spread in the circle, allowing to open other circle with other items in it. I find it very effective for me because I am more comfortable with information spatially organized (my memory is based on spatialization). I think pmenu was designed for a tablet input device using a pen to trigger pmenu.
On OpenBSD, a pkg_add pmenu is enough, but on other systems you should be able to compile it out of the box with a C compiler and the X headers.
This part is a bit tricky because the configuration is not obvious. Pmenu takes its configuration on the standard input and then must be piped to a shell.
My configuration file looks like this:
#!/bin/sh cat <<ENDOFFILE | pmenu | sh & IMG:/usr/local/share/icons/Adwaita/48x48/legacy/utilities-terminal.png sakura IMG:/usr/local/share/icons/Adwaita/48x48/legacy/applets-screenshooter.png Apps IMG:/usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gimp.png gimp IMG:/home/solene/dev/pmenu/claws-mail.png claws-mail IMG:/usr/local/share/pixmaps/firefox.png firefox IMG:/usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/keepassxc.png keepassxc IMG:/usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/chrome.png chrome IMG:/usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/rclone-browser.png rclone-browser Games IMG:/home/jeux/slay_the_spire/sts.png cd /home/jeux/slay_the_spire/ && libgdx-run IMG:/home/jeux/Delver/unjar/a/Delver-Logo.png cd /home/jeux/Delver/unjar/ && /usr/local/jdk-1.8.0/bin/java -Dsun.java2d.dpiaware=true com.interrupt.dungeoneer.DesktopStarter IMG:/home/jeux/Dead_Cells/deadcells.png cd /home/jeux/Dead_Cells/ && hl hlboot.dat IMG:/home/jeux/brutal_doom/Doom-The-Ultimate-1-icon.png cd /home/jeux/doom2/ && gzdoom /home/jeux/brutal_doom/bd21RC4.pk3 Volume 0% sndioctl output.level=0 10% sndioctl output.level=0.1 20% sndioctl output.level=0.2 30% sndioctl output.level=0.3 40% sndioctl output.level=0.4 ENDOFFILE
The configuration supports levels, like "Apps" or "Games" in this example, that will allow a second level of shortcuts. A text could be used like in Volume, but you can also use images like in other categories. Every blank appearing in the configuration are tabs.
The pmenu itself can be customized by using X attributes, you can learn more about this on the official project page.
I made a short video to show how it looks with the configuration shown here.
Note that pmenu is entirely browseable with the keyboard by using tab / enter / escape to switch to next / validate / exit.