



What even is mesa

Ya. I think it's clear this is going to take... About 60 more articles before

I even have a system that can work, without further justification.

Look, if you want the simple straightforward answer, you should just follow

A guide that tells you which keys to type and type them. The fact that you

Are here, and now, reading this means you crave more than that. And maybe this

Is going to take quite a bit longer to get to any sort of reasonable setup.

That. Is. Fine.

It is also fine if, you want to take a break and go back to windows for a bit

Play some guild wars two. Grease the wheels of industry with your blood and

Fat, in the endless conflict of the mists. It's ok.

Im not going to judge. I can feel the headache already. Don't worry. I'll be

Here when you get back. (author leaves to do as described, probably)

Ok so you are back now? Cool.

To my view it feels like device manufacturers have active hostility to the

Idea of open source. They begrudgingly create drivers for linux because there

Are just too many people who wish to use their hardware on that platform for

Cuda processing and such. For users who don't find themselves thinking about

Building rendering farms or doing research computation on a daily basis, like...

Gamers and people less casual, the conversation I feel is a bit different.

Well gamers are a pretty annoying bunch, tbh, caring about graphical fidelity,

And screen tearing, as the most important thing. Device manufacturers I don't

Think give half a shit about any of that stuff. Maybe I'm wrong (im not tho)

Gamers simply are not a large demographic for hardware purchases. They buy maybe

One graphics card in five years. Not a huge number tbh. This doesn't need to

Be the insentivizing factor that it /is/ but here we are.

Now as far as reasearch is concerned, there might be some good reasons for

Keeping things closed source, that is if you are a money grubbing capitalist

Intent on shooting human progress in the knee so you can have all the boats, or

Something. Personally I think the hardware platforms might see all kinds of improvements at accelerated rates if the "Secret sauce" were made public.

Also we could fuckin have graphics drivers on linux that don't have rending

Issues constantly (i do blame x for most of this tho because x is fuckin aweful)

So the debate on linux when it comes to graphics tends to go down the road,

Use nvidea and use the proprietary driver because every other option is gay.

This might be true. But i'm ok with being gay?

The thing is I do like being able to actually use the hardware I have,

You know for stuff I want to use it for. I don't actually trust that the

Proprietary drivers will deliver on that promise however, but mesa isn't really

Likely to get me there either.

In the interest of actually having something working I think we are going to

Go with mesa, unless someone (please) can provide any kind of alternative

Basically at all.

For those who don't know what it is, it's like an open source implementation of

Opengl or something. I don't fuckin know. It's not really super relevant at

This stage, because the stage where it will matter more is basically - lets

Implement vulkan ourselves or something. Looking at the schedule of events,

Id say that article should be in about 50 years or so. I don't fuckin know.

Graphics are hard, and the fact that the device manufacturers essentially want

To keep it as close to a black box as possible is utterly distressing to me.

This problem is much more pressing to me, because it makes for an unknowable

Moving target that is always bound to have problems. The only way to solve this

Is to institute change at their end and since I don't have force of will to

Restructure reality (yet) the best we can do is just kinda shitty, so as long

As we are tabling shit, I may as well stick to the principle of being able to

At least read the damn code that's on the machine, if I ever feel like it.

So apparently intel has completely opensource graphics drivers. And amd has

Two different version, on which is open source (why both...?)

If I could magically swap out my graphics cards with intel ones, maybe that'd

Be an option, but my gtx 1080s are already real. And I kinda like them? Maybe?

Idk. It might be worth considering. Performance wise, I'm not sure how "Real"

The gains nvidea has, is it all magic coding? Do they do nonsence with

Neural networks and that's all it is? No one knows. Ima guess yes.

Because if it was anything else I'm guessing there'd be no reason to keep their

Mouths shut at this point.


incoming references

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