=====       =====  ========       =======      =====   =   ===== 
   =    =     =    =  =       =    =         =    =   =  = =  =   = 
   =     =   =     =  =   =   =   =   = = =   =   =   = =   = =   = 
   =      = =      =  =       =  =   =     =   =  =   =       =   =   
   =       =       =  =   == =   =  =       =  =  =       =       = 
   =   =       =   =  =   =      =   =     =   =  =      = =      = 
   =   = =   = =   =  =   =       =   = = =   =   =     =   =     = 
   =   =  = =  =   =  =   =        =         =    =    =     =    = 
   =====   =   =====  =====          =======      =====       =====
   this one I made myself!

                      _                      __                    _    
 _ __ ___  _ __ _ __ (_) ___  ___ ___  ___  / _|_      _____  _ __| | __
| '_ ` _ \| '__| '_ \| |/ _ \/ __/ _ \/ _ \| |_\ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ /
| | | | | | |  | |_) | |  __/ (_|  __/ (_) |  _|\ V  V / (_) | |  |   < 
|_| |_| |_|_|  | .__/|_|\___|\___\___|\___/|_|   \_/\_/ \___/|_|  |_|\_\
this one is from the link below
if these break make the screen wider ofc lol duh
(the "image" above are two stylized ascii "words" of my "name")


Welcome to my gemini capsule on rawtext.club... Here I shall write into the void!

Here be a cry for help, second one's the longer version, kinda a who-is

Read this plz short version AKA tl/dr

A longer, more informative version (now with more!)


Here be thoughts, musings, goofy, etc. not so much a "log"...

The Pile (musing on an allegory for reality)

Clear the air abt bsistr

Absurd word parings for art inspiration...

which I harvest from the Exquisite Corpse bot on Masto

Questions answered for Christina S.

My first interaction with the resident AI

I guessed good! re: Where In The World 20230212

Brits say these words WRONG ;)

My "/Now" (why not?)

I wrote a thing (about the truth of things)

my tiny baobab on Astrobotany (I think... 'tis but a seed rn)


Here be the gemlog... something I "try" to update daily



Here be the image descriptions...

Image descriptions


Here be the (a) recipe(s)...


(perpetual WIP)


Here be the links... below... (web links!) (a gopher hole!)

Copy an ascii word (web link!)

My dorky website

My presence on mastodon.social

My gopher hole on SDF

DIT reference/spec/proposal (Decimal Internet Time)


rawtext.club gemini cluster home + users

updated 20230317

I'm a dork

