DCC acquires 25 properties through tenant-in-situ scheme

Saturday, 11 Mar 2023

Updated / Saturday, 11 Mar 2023 11:42

DCC has received 322 enquiries regarding tenant-in-situ programme from

landlords and tenants since January 2022

By Tommy Meskill

Dublin City Council (DCC) has told councillors that it acquired 25

properties through the tenant-in-situ programme since January 2022.

In correspondence to councillors, it has also said that 192 further

units are in the pipeline.

Of those, 83 are in the final closing or conveyancing stage of the

sales process.

Dublin City Council told councillors, in correspondence seen by RTÉ's

The Week in Politics programme, that it was issuing the correspondence

following "negative commentary".

There has been criticism of local authorities over the relatively low

number of properties acquired through the tenant-in-situ scheme in

recent months.

Overall, DCC has received 322 enquiries regarding tenant-in-situ

programme from landlords and tenants since January 2022.

The tenant-in-situ programme allows Local Authorities to purchase homes

where a tenant, in receipt of Housing Assistance Payments or the Rental

Accommodation Scheme, has been issued with a notice of termination.

Minister for Housing Darragh O'Brien has said that he wants 1,500 such

homes purchased through the tenant-in-situ scheme this year.

Yesterday, figures from the Residential Tenancies Board showed 4,741

notices of termination were issued to tenants in quarter three last


Opposition parties have warned that it shows a significant increase in

homeless figures is now likely when the temporary eviction moratorium

runs out.

Dublin City Council says it has been receiving several calls a day from

people inquiring about eligibility to remain in situ over the past few


In a statement, DCC explained that "similar to the purchase of any

property, undertaking due diligence can be a lengthy process and, at a

given time, the number of completed acquisitions represents only a

fraction of purchases in progress".