Wednesday, 15 Mar 2023
Updated / Wednesday, 15 Mar 2023 18:53
St Patrick's Day revellers in Dublin last year
By Laura Fletcher
A voluntary ban on the sale of alcohol from off-licences will be in
place until 4pm in Dublin city centre on St Patrick's Day.
In relation to bars in the area, RTÉ News understands that the
voluntary ban applies only to off-licence sales and not to regular bar
"The St Patrick's Day Parade is a family friendly event and the
showcase event for the St Patrick's Festival and to assist Gardaí with
the policing event of this event, licence holders are requested to
voluntarily refrain from selling off sales until after 4pm on 17
March," a Garda spokesperson said.
A similar ban has been in place in previous years.
The spokesperson also said that "where necessary" gardaí will also
enforce laws prohibiting the drinking of alcohol in public places.
The Licensed Vintners Association said all pubs in the city centre will
be open for the full permitted trading hours on St Patrick's Day –
12.30pm to 12.30am.