Frances Watkins, 20 Mar
GARDAI on mobile patrol observed a man driving into a wall in Croom,
Newcastle West Court heard.
Stephen O’Sullivan, aged 30, of Skagh, Croom pleaded guilty to driving
under the influence of an intoxicant.
Inspector Gearoid Thompson, prosecuting, said gardai were on patrol at
Bridge Street, Croom on May 20, 2022 when they observed the defendant
crash into a wall at Bridge Street in the village “at very slow speed”.
“When they interacted with him they formed an opinion (that he was
under the influence of an intoxicant),” said Insp Thompson.
Following the incident, Mr O’Sullivan was conveyed to a garda station
where it was found that he had zero alcohol in his system.
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However, further analysis showed the presence of cannabis.
“There were no injuries to any person,” said Insp Thompson, who added
that Mr O’Sullivan was not insured to drive the vehicle on the date in
Con Barry, solicitor for Mr O’Sullivan, said his client had pleaded
guilty at the first opportunity and was “not in a good place at the
time” of the incident last year.
However, Mr Barry said the defendant is working and “in a lot better
place now”.
Judge Carol Anne Coolican imposed a four-year disqualification and a
€400 fine for the driving under the influence offence.
Mr O’Sullivan was also fined €300 for driving without insurance.