Derry's St John’s PS annual St. Patrick’s Day concert

Paddy Leonard, 20 Mar

St John’s Primary School hosted their annual St Patrick’s Day concert

last Thursday to approximately 300 parents and members of the


Every child performed on the day. Talents ranged from songs, limericks,

poetry recitals, Irish Dancing, ukulele and tin whistle recitals, as

well as drama.

Many children showed off their musical ability to celebrate St

Patrick’s Day including a wide range of solo performances featuring the

harp, piano and acoustic guitar.

Teachers also took part and shared their musical talents with the

Creggan community.

The concert ticket sale proceeds will go directly to the Syria and

Turkey Earthquake appeal.

The school raised £1000 from this event.

Mrs Geraldine O’Connor, St John's PS school principal, said: “It is

important that our children showcase the many talents they have to

celebrate St Patrick’s Day but to also spread kindness to others.

“By giving of their gifts in this way, much needed funds will go to

those in need.”

Vice Principal Mrs J Connolly stated: “The concert sold out very

quickly and demand for tickets was very high and this shows the

strength of support we have in our school community and the ethos of

helping others here in Creggan.


“The children did us proud and the wealth of talent from all year

groups and individual musicians was outstanding.”

You can watch the performances on the St John’s Primary School Facebook
