bass, The B.+ Awful Scripting System
A horrifically mutilated Scheme-like mess of lexical tokens reminiscent of Brainfuck. (All of the built-in identifiers are soley punctuation; I guess this language is kinda meat-language independent?)
The title is a regular expression; B.+ is any word of your choice starting with B to describe your anguish at or hatred of this language.
There are 5 data types.
- None — A Nothing. The only None value is '()'.
- Integer — A signed, two's-compliment 32 bit integer. The radix these numbers are represented in is implementation-defined.
- String — A fixed-type list of bytes. Functions that apply to lists also apply to this type.
- Symbol — A name for a value or expression. Spaces aren't allowed inside symbols and they can't start with '