Midnight Pub



This afternoon I'm bottling a bitter. Should clock in just over 4% ABV. Pale malt, bittered with Northdown and East Kent Goldings, dry hopped with Tettnanger.

Brewing is a hobby I took up around five years ago, something I'd always wanted to do. I love it. It makes beer cheap, gives a sense of pride in creation. I've never graduated from extract-with-steeped-grains to all grain, and I don't care. What I make tastes good. It makes me happy.

I've got everything gathered: bottles, long-arm capper, hydrometer, sanitizer. I'll pour myself a homebrew, clean and sanitize everything, fill my 40-50 bottles, cap them, and then, as always, wonder why I'm so tired. Sit down with a book. Have a cup of tea.

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~winter wrote:

Turns out it was 4.73% ABV (1.048 OG, 1.012 FG). More ESB than ordinary bitter, for sure.

~nsilvestri wrote (thread):

That reminds me. I have 64 pounds of honey waiting to be brewed. Weekend project!