i recently (maybe a month ago) left instagram. i found myself feeling as if i had to use it, which felt unhealthy. now i am finding ways to fill my time.
i don’t care much about the concept of being productive. not in a material way. what i do find of interest is keeping my mind productive. the hours and days i spent filling up my boredom with scrolling instagram, checking my friends stories obsessively, those feelings of missing out, are now void.
the first couple of days i felt uneasy. such as a habit i would go to grab my phone to check instagram only to remember i had deactivated my account. rendering that action useless. i felt anxious. ive dealt with addiction in the past of various things and the feeling of unwinding my internet addiction (if you’ll allow me to call it that) felt more intense. the others were physical, mental sure, but mostly the withdraws made me sick. the anxiety i felt not being able to use instagram was nauseating. i held out knowing from experience this feeling would pass.
here i am now, and that feeling has mostly passed. now i must deal with the question of filling my time. what have i taken up?
always have i crafted. from an early age my mother taught me to knit and to sew. i started crocheting again. when i start to feel antsy, i reach for my phone and instead of bringing up ig, i look up crochet tutorials.
right now i am obsessed with a d&d podcast called the adventure zone (taz). maybe some of you are familiar. if you’re not, i highly recommend it. i have been listening to it for years but never finished the first arc (balance) and with not much else to do, i put on my headphones every night, pop on an episode of taz, and crochet. after 70 episodes, i finally finished the balance arc. now im moving onto the other arcs. the one im listening to now is based on a monster of the week premise (powered by the apocalypse system) and has to do with cryptids and a group of monster hunters. it’s very good.
i think that’s all for now, being my first post here. i wish you all a good night.
~ fireant
i'd like to do the same thing you're talking about - a sort of detox of most of the social media one constantly checks. good luck with it!
Hello ~fireant, good to have you here.
~bartender? A hot chocolate and a cheese cake would do wonders! Thank you!
If you find a furry creature jumping on your lap and demanding attention, that's Smudge. He's a regular, but he'll move on before you feel annoyed. Promised! We haven't heard anything of the monster living in the back yard for a long time. And the pizza deliveries have somehow stopped. So I think it has moved on to greener pastures. :)
Sounds like you've made the right choice for yourself. Looking forward to updates on your crochet projects!