My (real) name is Sigrid. I'm a software engineer. Severely attracted to 9front[1] since 2012. I'm also into analog photography, including mixing my own processing chemistry, darkroom printing, view cameras, cyanotypes and so on. Pronouns: she or they. Pansexual and polyamorous. That's me[2].
You can reach me over:
Strut, fret, and delude ourselves as we may, our lives are of no significance, and it is futile to seek or to affirm meaning where none can be found.
That, but in audible form (CW: black metal)[4]
[4] That, but in audible form (CW: black metal)
The only good system is a sound system.
Narrowness of experience leads to narrowness in imagination.
I am absolutely and unalterably opposed to racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, nationalism, ethnocentrism, religious fundamentalism, and oppressive and coercive power structures of all kinds. I am absolutely in favor of acceptance of human diversity and peaceful intercombinations of cultures and ethnicities. I oppose violence by individuals and by governments save as a last resort of self-defense against immediate physical danger in both cases. I am in favor of free and open communications, including ideas which may be offensive, but excluding exploitation of children, nonconsensual invasions of bodily privacy, and nonconsensual sadistic treatment of people or animals except as necessary to expose and prosecute those guilty of these acts. I believe in sexual freedom as long as consent and boundaries are appropriately respected. I believe in the freedom to alter one's own consciousness as one chooses as long as harm is not done to others. I believe in cooperative democratic community governance to maximize the well-being of individuals, so long as the above principles are not violated.
PeerTube, videos[11]
PixelFed, photos (no selfies)[12]
[12] PixelFed, photos (no selfies)
Instagram, random pics, selfies[13]