Created 2022-05-21.
Updated as below.
I can tolerate anything except the outgroup
one 2021 analysis found that not only were 90 percent of U.S. startups that were valued over $1 billion unprofitable, but that most would remain so.
The Incredible Tantrum Venture Capitalists Threw Over Silicon Valley Bank
RP2040 CONTROL: "Threre is FirmataPlus + Pymataio, or the more recent FirmataExpress + Telemetrix, for Arduino board family."
Stroke detection:
Face - has it fallen on one side
Arms - can they raise them
Speech - is it slurred
Time - call 999, even if you're not sure
The year of C++ successor languages
quote from Commisar Danilov in Enemy at the Gates (2001): "I've been such a fool, Vassili. Man will always be a man. There is no new man. We tried so hard to create a society that was equal, where there'd be nothing to envy your neighbour. But there's always something to envy. A smile, a friendship, something you don't have and want to appropriate. In this world, even a Soviet one, there will always be rich and poor. Rich in gifts, poor in gifts. Rich in love, poor in love."
0 /home/pi/repos/redact/docs/accts2022
1 /home/pi/repos/gemtext
2 /home/pi/repos/rpi/pico/79-pluto
3 /home/pi/repos/rpi/pico/bare/02-jmp
4 /home/pi/repos/cerbo/arm/assembler
5 /home/pi/repos/rpi/pico/xmodem
6 /home/pi/repos/cerbo/znlang/hand-to-c
7 /home/pi/repos/rpi/stm32f411re/cmsis/19-pic
8 /home/pi/repos/rpi/stm32f411re/cmsis/20-rtttl
9 /home/pi/repos/rpi/stm32f411re/LL/01-blink
What is your "fair share" of what someone else has worked for? -- Thomas Sowell
Nassim Nicholas Taleb's Wisdom
"Finer men tolerate others’ small inconsistencies though not the large ones; the weak tolerate others’ large inconsistencies though not small ones." - Nassim Nicholas Taleb in The Bed of Procrustes
"Anger is privilege for the strong, duty for the righteous, and self-harm for the weak." - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Eating too much cake is the sin of gluttony. However, eating too much pie is okay because the sin of pi is always zero.
MATE terminal (possibly others), insert unicode via Ctl-Shift u
Test on audio output of Asus Vivo should voltage range -230mV to +230mV
HN: Ben Eater, but for programming/math?
HN: money-making side projects
Digirule 2U - The 8-bit Programmable Binary Computer
scdoc: document format for writing manual pages
postmarketos: Linux for old phones
Lynx has a dump facility. E.g. play a song from the internet:
lynx -dump gopher:// | mpv -
arp -a
Should locally-connected devices (mostly).
A git hosting service for Gemini
Politcal discussion groups:
Wikipedia: ipse dixit: assertion without proof
Kawaii of non pink technical world.
⠀ ᕬ⠀ᕬ (⌯'-'⌯) ⠀⠀U U
Lessons from Writing a Compiler
bjorn: Check Out My Recommendations
Gopherproject. Has many links.
US inflation hits 40-year high of 8.6% as food, gas and shelter costs rise (Guardian (Fri 10 Jun 2022)
one of the first pieces of software that an individual will write on their personal computer will be something that will suppress advertising.
Uxn - portable assembly language
Attraction Inequality and the Dating Economy
List of gopher servers. 400/559 are alive :
Interesting gopher site
... and what happened to Slackware here
I found that keeping it current on my Slackware box had become too much of a burden.
Synopsis of a sci-fi short story telling of the dangers of over-relying on machines.
TLA+ is a high-level language for modeling programs and systems--especially concurrent and distributed ones. It's based on the idea that the best way to describe things precisely is with simple mathematics.
How to water your plant "without" a Gemini client:
echo "gemini://" | openssl s_client --connect "" -cert $CERTDIR/cert.pem -key $CERTDIR/key.pem -crlf -quiet -ign_eof
... a thriving community focused on building truly high-quality software. We're not low-level in the typical sense. Instead we realize that to write great software, you need to understand things on a deeper level.
[Gemini is] the tech version of "my own web with blackjack and hookers and no Homers allowed."
Except not with blackjack and hookers, because blackjack would require complexity and interactivity and hookers would mean capitalism and advertising. But definitely no Homers.
Geeks, MOPs and sociopaths in subculture evolution
FreeBSD RELEASE is intended for end-users, not STABLE, so I chose the wrong distro for the Pi. Grrr.
FreeBSD "chezmoi" - manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines, securely
Power consumption:
Assume electricity unit rate is 30p per kWh. There are 8760 hrs in a year. So the running cost for a Pi 3 is 0.3*8760*2.4/1000 = £6.31. Pretty good.
bollox: gemini browser in bash
Qi: A Functional, Flow-Oriented DSL for Racket
uBlacklist – Block specific sites from appearing in Google search results
Schlimmbesserung is a German word that means "to make things worse through an effort to improve".
Possible gemini server:
go install
New server name: tozip. I should use this on my pi1 when I get my wifi dongle.
A Go (golang) port of the Ruby dotenv project (which loads env vars from a .env file):
this is a test chirp
In Rust, they fill gaps in the language by making the language more complex; in C, they fill those gaps by writing more C
Gemini tinylog format RFC - A call for help
Rust is not a good C replacement
The complexity of modern browsers, especially once the JITs are included, have exceeded the complexity of the kernels of our OSes for a while now.
The RISC-V experience by Drew DeVault
Spartan protocol client and client in C
NFTs Are, Quite Simply, Bullshit
Macduff has a Screwfix (TIL)
"Useless Tree"
A carpenter and his apprentice were walking together through a large forest. And when they came across a tall, huge, gnarled, old, beautiful oak tree, the carpenter asked his apprentice: “Do you know why this tree is so tall, so huge, so gnarled, so old and beautiful?” The apprentice looked at his master and said: “No…why?”
“Well,” the carpenter said, “because it is useless. If it had been useful it would have been cut long ago and made into something else.
Gopherpedia - Gopher front-end for Wikipedia
toilet -f pagga "I am The Danger" ░▀█▀░░░█▀█░█▄█░░░▀█▀░█░█░█▀▀░░░█▀▄░█▀█░█▀█░█▀▀░█▀▀░█▀▄ ░░█░░░░█▀█░█░█░░░░█░░█▀█░█▀▀░░░█░█░█▀█░█░█░█░█░█▀▀░█▀▄ ░▀▀▀░░░▀░▀░▀░▀░░░░▀░░▀░▀░▀▀▀░░░▀▀░░▀░▀░▀░▀░▀▀▀░▀▀▀░▀░▀