
February 2023

Jorge Sanz | 2023-03-07 | 553 words

🏠 Personal

February started great with a small-honeymoon trip to the Archena Spa. This was our first trip without Bernat, who stayed with my sister for a couple of nights. Everything went well on both sides and we had a nice relaxing time in this beautiful location, including a fancy lunch near Murcia.

The restaurant at Odiseo leisure center [IMG]

Baby activity at CCCC [IMG]

The rest of the month went normally until the date for our honeymoon trip was approaching and we all got a stomach virus that fortunately passed away just in time for our departure to Miami to get onboard on a cruise to the Caribbean sea. Our first flight to Madrid was heavily delayed so we missed our connection to Miami, fortunately, we wanted to spend a day in the city before getting on board so we did not miss the boat!

Packed for a month [IMG]

The last days of the month were on the ship and the first stop in Jamaica. Traveling with a two-year-old baby is challenging and limited our options but still, we had a (hot and humid) nice stroll through Ocho Ríos and with that February was gone.

Bernat at the ship baby club [IMG]

👨‍💻 Professional

On the work side, I got embarked on a new project to migrate our continuous integration logic to a new system so I will have to review and update all the testing, building, and deploying of Elastic Maps Services projects. I could just get started because we had also a full testing week for the next upcoming release and other duties.

Another highlight is that one of our managers started a sort of book reading club to discuss together a quite interesting read called "Staff Engineer" by Will Larson. The book is a collection of blog posts, well organized and written, around the different aspects of the technical roles beyond senior software engineer (tech lead, architect, etc.). I will not be able to join future sessions because of the holidays but from what I've read already, I'm enjoying the book.

❤️ Community

February got a couple of community highlights. One is that we managed to organize a second local gathering for geoinquietos, combined with a Geography conference organized by a cultural association. The other was that even though I could not participate much, I was able to put a bit of time into Humanitarian mapping for the terrible earthquakes in Syria and Turkey.

Conference at Octubre Cultural Centre [IMG]

Unfortunately, I had to cancel my participation in the Cibervoluntarios training session. I was in a supporting role so the activity hopefully carried on without issues.

📚 Reading

This month apart from the "Staff Engineer" mentioned above I also finally finished "Stranger things happen". I looked for a new read staying in the "fantasy or sci-fi written by women" theme and I decided to start the "Broken Earth" series written by N. K. Jemisin with the first book "The Fifth Season". I've read more than half of the book and I can see how she is building something large and interesting. Fortunately on the trip, because of the lack of TV and Internet, I'm reading quite a lot so I'm sure I'll finish this book before the cruise finishes and I'll get the second part.

🔊 Listening

A selection of non-musical podcasts from this month, all from "Documentos RNE":





The concept of a now page was created by Derek Sivers[4], more details about now pages at[5].




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