JALAE LAIN CASAUS - a waste attempting to be more
META - regarding this place, it's utility and construction.
OSCEAN - All will return whence it came, the oscean.
blue - serenity, peace, ocean, approachment
mind - it's not just rational.
philosophy - people talking about the things they are talking about and why they do that.
safe - probably not harmful. maybe.
this place is a work of fiction
Version 3 has diverged from xxiivv[1] and its percieved goals. Muffet[2] was written to use the old oscean[3] format, however has been built from the ground up using no code from oscean core[4]
The code was built on the restored Myugii[5], who has slain jakarutu/navi[6] the static services produced are now hosted on Temuorin[7].
We maintain a local copy of that place[8] as it existed at the time Ar1522 of the fork. We have experianced several crashes and continue to limp along; thusly we hope to survive the collapse[9].
The license[10] applies to this place.
Jalae[11] is the curator of these works
PANTHEON : Myugii[12], Temuorin[13], Euphoria[14], Helion[15], the castoff[16], Mira[17]
INDEX - hierachical view of every page as relates to its host.