Vi Grey - Home

Hey, I'm Vi Grey! 👋

I'm a software developer who tends to program in Go and also tends to make NES games in 6502 Assembly.

This site is simultaneously hosted over HTTP, Gemini, and Gopher (http://, gemini://, and gopher://) using a server program I created in Go called Bergelmir.

A tor hidden service ".onion" for this site is available as well over HTTP, Gemini, and Gopher at vigreyd6wrsvudjto7ccmt45avabdstveitqej2f4or75sjxkrijv3qd.onion

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My Resume

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My NES Projects

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RSS Feed

Patreon: ViGreyTech

GitHub: ViGrey


Twitch: ViGreyTech

IRC (Libera.Chat): ViGrey


The Havamal

Places I like on the Internet

Sarah Petkus's (ROBOHEMIAN) website

Netspooky's website

dio9sys's gemini capsule

Devine Lu Linvega's website

Tom 7's blog

tmp.0ut zine

LOW<-TECH MAGAZINE solar-powered website


XKCD comics

Shavian alphabet info website