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馃懡 eldersnake

馃棧 Followers 1 路 Following 0 路 Logs 2 路 Docked 1 year ago


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馃懡 eldersnake

I did a quick write up on syncing bookmarks on Lagrange via something like NextCloud or Dropbox with the Remote Bookmarks feature gemini://gemini.andrewjvpowell.com/articles/06-syncing-lagrange-bookmarks-cloud.gmi Link skyjake, let me know if anything is wrong or redundant about this approach, but it works for me for now. Great browser btw!

馃挰 6 Replies 路 3 Thumbs 路 1 year ago

馃懡 eldersnake

What a great idea this capsule is. New to Gemini, but things like this already prove the naysayers wrong about it only being capable of serving nothing but static files and calling it a day.

馃挰 3 Replies 路 7 Thumbs 路 1 year ago

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