👽 comatoast

So, I have my server, I have Agate installed and I am ready to set my certificates. One issue: How do I set up a domain name for gemini? Should I just purchase a domain from a registar?

2 years ago · 👍 know, thatsredadcted


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4 Replies

👽 bacardi55

DDNS is Dynamic DNS (useful when IP changes)

to have a domain like gemini.yourdomain.tld (tld is for example .com, .net, …), you need to buy "yourdomain.tld" to a registar and create a subdomain gemini.yourdomain.tld (in the registrar UI) that will point to your gemini server IP.

It is exactly like for the web

Not sure if station is the best channel to help on this but there many docs online about DNS setup. · 2 years ago

👽 comatoast

How do I get a domain like https://gemini.xxx.xxx ? · 2 years ago

👽 comatoast

@scaffolding: Thank you. What is the difference between a DDNS and a DNS? Just curious. · 2 years ago

👽 scaffolding

You can get one for free from DDNS providers like duckdns.org or noip.com. · 2 years ago