
👽 smokey

👋 Hi there, Smokey here! I hope all is going well for you so far today. I am another person going through life trying to figure out my own place in it. I originally joined gemini to dip my toes into the smolnet, and have been happily participating for the better part of the year. Thank you for having me.

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👽 smokey

I am thinking alot about places to live, and what kind of life i want to carve out for myself. If you dont mind, tell me about what you currently do for a living, as well as what goals you've set for yourself in life. Where do you want to selttle down at, if you had an oppurtunity to, and why?

💬 4 Replies · 3 Thumbs · 1 year ago

👽 smokey

I really like cats. Not that i dont like dog, i love em as well as most animals. But for whatever reason fate has decided that ive been destined to have many kitties to love and feed. Even the outdoor stray ones (ugh). Are you a pet person? What kind do you have to deal with?

💬 4 Replies · 1 Thumb · 1 year ago

👽 smokey

Im not really a movie or tv person for whatever reason. I do however like unfiction and ARG projects, creative artsy type projects made by individuals. some of my favorite spooky ones for this time of year: NOC 10 https://yewtu.be/channel/UCGNXc9SMSSdOyfmZMSeLQ5w local58: https://yewtu.be/channel/UCuoMasRkMhlj1VNVAOJdw5w POSTContent: https://yewtu.be/channel/UCH0VeQ9x2cUI4FDUT8xhaKw Abstractions: https://yewtu.be/channel/UCWzjTcV73LEvKA3Oy0r6D3Q Marble Hornets https://www.youtube.com/user/MarbleHornets (all time classic, you probably already know this one) Unedited footage of a bear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gMjJNGg9Z8 This House Has People In It: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-pj8OtyO2I

💬 0 Replies · 1 Thumb · 1 year ago

👽 smokey

gemini capsule owners familiar with scripting, in your opinion what is the best scripting language to learn for making an interactive gemini capsule? Ive heard that GO is a good one but what kinds of languages do you use?

💬 14 Replies · 1 Thumb · 1 year ago

👽 smokey

Is it strange to feel empathy for plants and insects? Ive always been an animal lover, but only in the past few years have come to feel kindness to all life big and small. I no longer act as judge, jury, and executioner with bugs that freak me out. Yesterday i had to trim a tree that had branches hanging too low and thought "im sorry tree, i hope this isnt painful for you" knowing full well plants dont have pain receptors like we do. Still, it is a great arrogance to assume the state of conciousness or potential of emotions which other living beings posess. Who is to say that a tree cannot experience happiness on a bright beautiful day, or pain when injured through some unknown process?

💬 4 Replies · 3 Thumbs · 1 year ago

👽 smokey

Writers who intentionally make their sentences overly complicated and bloated with super obscure adjectives which requires the reader to pull out a thesaurus just to translate really irritate me for some reason. It just comes across as pretentious bloat to make it *sound* like theyre saying something smart when in reality nothing of value is actually being said. Its fine in poetry and creative writings where alliteration and such are desireable, but daily life blogs? No that just screams "i have a complex and need to over-compensate through big words" The whole point of language in general (IMO) is to convey the most amount of meaning with the least amount of effort on both the speaker and listeners part.

💬 8 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 1 year ago

👽 smokey

I am now a member of team XMPP! Still learning about it and figuring out stuff, but so far it looks very promising!

💬 5 Replies · 5 Thumbs · 1 year ago

👽 smokey

Hey @sk Would you mind telling me how you do photo dithering over at your image board?

💬 5 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 1 year ago

👽 smokey

I did many hours of work today on my new gempage, the first entry piece to my Fractal Compendium on the Sierpinski Triangle and its many bizarre apperances all over math and science. If you like ascii art or geometry then i highly advise you give it a browse! gemini://sdf.org/smokey/fractal/triangle.gmi

💬 2 Replies · 5 Thumbs · 1 year ago

👽 smokey

I still use MP3 Players, Its nice to have a dedicated thing to load up with music especially when you have many thousands and thousands of songs collected over the years. Anyone else still a part of the MP3 Player team?

💬 6 Replies · 1 Thumb · 1 year ago

👽 smokey

I Finally got my first gemini capsule running today!!! And made a guide to everything i did for get started. Feeling tired from all the typing but its very rewarding to see my efforts come to life. If you have the time please check it out gemini://sdf.org/smokey/index.gmi

💬 3 Replies · 8 Thumbs · 1 year ago

👽 smokey

Its technically autumn where i am so its time to start celebrating one of my favorite times of the year, earlyish halloween and autumn stuff in general. Horror movies and books are a treat for me that i dont enjoy much outside of the timeframe. The book "House of Leaves" is sitting in front of me, intimidatingly. got a recommendation from a horror review content creator i like and saw it had glowing reviews. Im more of a illustrated horror kind of person, Junji Ito's stuff are personal favorites of mine. Also heard the way things presented are wierd but i dont mind experementing with new concepts. its been a while since ive read a real tride and true hardcover book. do you have fall traditions?

💬 2 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 1 year ago

👽 smokey

Recently found out about sdf.org through a post on here. checked it out and joined their unix thingy. apparently they allow members to create gemini capsules so ive been trying to get that going. Think i need to become a verified member first if i understand right since i need FTP access and whatnot. ill figure it out one step at a time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Honestly im happy just to have a new set of things to play with on the terminal. Gave me a good reason to sit down and learn aliases in linux so i didnt have to type in the long form ssh command every time i wanted to connect.

💬 4 Replies · 5 Thumbs · 1 year ago

👽 smokey

Did some experementation to find lightest way to stream YT videos for the sake of battery life on my laptop. I use invidious instances whenever possible so also worked that into it. Tested native website streaming through firefox, an electron app called FreeTube which i like using, and SMTube+SMPlayer. The SMTube+Player combo was the winner by a long shot. After trying out several invidious instances i finally found one that was compatable to be set as the default site to use. all that was left was creating an account on that particular instance and uploading my exported subscriptions feed file. Awesome!

💬 0 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 smokey

Spent the morning sitting outside with coffee and some good smoke. went inside as soon as it started getting hot, and now im probably going to play modded minecraft with my friends on a public server. Might post some links to screenshots maybe

💬 0 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 smokey

Hello world! Haha okay seriously, hi everyone. this is my first post on martinrue. I just found this website and i hope to find some cool people to talk to, maybe also get my thoughts written down somewhere. I was thinking of setting up a gemini capsule of my own on a pi, but thats abit of work for me right now as i have bigger fish to fry in my life. I Havent done any blogging before, but maybe this is the time to start.

💬 2 Replies · 3 Thumbs · 2 years ago

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