I was thinking of having a look at homebrewing alcohol (although I'm not a fan of wine or beer), and was wondering a few things. 1) When making ginger beer, would a sourdough starter work instead of yeast? 2) can anyone recommend a low-to-no investment recipe to try that is more advanced than "mix sugar water, flavouring agent, and yeast, and leave waiting for 24 hours"? Or even just other thigns to try this recipe with than ginger?
10 months ago
Not sure about the sourdough yeast, can always try it. For a recipe see this youtube video: https://youtu.be/AN_lCyc7D64 This guy talks through using the natural yeast on the ginger and does it all countertop. Also, my eyes lit up when I saw this topic as I'm a homebrewer of beers, wines, and meads. If you or anyone else want to chat more or pointed to other resources let me know! ยท 10 months ago