馃懡 kevinsan

I'm going to propose that any politician who advocates war should also be prepared to serve on the front line, by public vote. Anyone who manufactures weapons should be top of the conscription list, and will be responsible for using the weapons they make.

Population centres that are about to become batllefields have the right to summon war advocates and weapons manufacturers from both sides of the conflict, either to serve as human shields, or to help rebuild their homes. Or both, if they survive.

9 months ago 路 馃憤 haze, comatoast, eph


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4 Replies

馃懡 kevinsan

Of course its a silly idea, but there's a question to be asked about how easy it is to send people into war. Like, if the diplomacy process had representation by e.g. mothers of soldiers, on both sides, how much more reasonable, how much less egotistical, would the outcome be?

Like, after WWII, we all ended up sharing the resources that were being fought over anyway. Germany and Japan flourished. Compared to the 1940s and before, living standards are immeasurably better. The killing was superflous. 路 9 months ago

馃懡 comatoast

I make bullets for a living. I enjoy guns and I shoot guns.

I don't support war by consequence of me liking and manufacturing firearms. The CEO's and Politicians should be the ones on the front lines of their wars not workers. 路 9 months ago

馃懡 shway

It's an intresting idea, but it wouldn't stop wars from happening: Leonidas, King Edward III, King Sebastian I of Portugal, King John of Bohemia... In the old, old days, kings and princes often personally lead their armies in battle. I can imagine politicians braging who is the biggest psycho killer :( 路 9 months ago

馃懡 haze

Agree. Politicans should dogfood their own decitions. 路 9 months ago