馃懡 digbat

Been backpacking/lightweight hiking camping for the first time in my life - i am very unimpressed with uk 3/4/G coverage: AONB = AOPR (area of outstandingly poor reception). absence of village shops/pubs complicated water/food resupply - i now have a water filter.

1 year ago 路 馃憤 hyperlinkyourheart


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7 Replies

馃懡 kevinsan

That's quite impressive to sustain ~15 miles per day for a fortnight, particularly given the wet summer in the south. Putting on soggy clothes is never fun! 路 1 year ago

馃懡 digbat

kevinsan: scotland next on list when i can get away next. 路 1 year ago

馃懡 digbat

Solo - 10 days Dorset and (2 days with others) Wiltshire. 6 days doing Sandstone Trail and then South Cheshire way. Never far from civilization, good learning, and experience for me as a beginner. Was mainly wet but tent stayed dry:-) Longest walking day with backpack (9kg with some food water) 24 mls. mostly 15 mls ish. 路 1 year ago

馃懡 kevinsan

I spent some time on the south half of the Isle of Mull where our only contact with the outside world was one MW radio station on an old ghetto blaster. There was a hill nearby where I could send an SMS on a clear day if I held the phone the right way. It was great! 路 1 year ago

馃懡 hyperlinkyourheart

Sounds like fun. Was it a solo expedition? How long for? 路 1 year ago

馃懡 digbat

sdfgeoff: all good points - I had thought that i'd spend some time updating my capsule along the way but i ditched that due poor signals. i did start buying newspapers to read then stuff in my shoes at night to help them dry. I found myself not listening to music at all when walking. route was along what pass for rights-of-way or long distance paths (assualt courses due not maintained lol). 路 1 year ago

馃懡 sdfgeoff

As a guy from NZ: If you're worried about cell coverage while hiking, you're doing it wrong.

Uhm, at least where I'm coming from hiking/camping normally carries the idea of 'getting away from it all.' If you're worried about contacting outside help in an emergency:

1) if possible, don't go bush alone

2) tell people where you're going, and ask them to contact police if you don't return.

2) take a PLB.... 路 1 year ago