👽 smokey

Apple bought my parents favorite weather service two years ago. First year they killed the android app, okay np just shortcut the website. Now, theyre killing the website, API, and IOS app in order to assimilate it into their own weather app. My parents have been using it for years and love the service so much because of the graphs and long range forcast. What apple is pulling is some monopolistic anti-competition bullshit and they just keep getting away with it. Thankfully there are still open weather APIs and the apps which run off them.

7 months ago · 👍 cobradile94


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5 Replies

👽 acidus

seriously? a Monopoly would be buying dark sky and then forbidding any other weather apps on their platform. And Apple isn’t even the dominant mobile operating system. Please go read what the definition of “monopoly” is and tell me what part applies here?

If anything, Apple buying dark sky shows that there is a market for awesome weather apps that aren’t scammy advertising filled pieces of shit that use your location for gross things. this should encourage more awesome weather apps. Carrot weather is pretty amazing · 7 months ago

👽 justyb

My favorite was Astrid To-Do list. Bought by Yahoo. Went to Wunderlist. Got bought out by Microsoft. What's worse is that all this consolidating has been going on for decades now. Anyone wanting to break them up, it would take a titanic effort to do so. · 7 months ago

👽 astroseneca

Shame on the greedy apple. · 7 months ago

👽 astroseneca

It's a pity. / It's a shame. · 7 months ago

👽 astromech

Rotten apple. It likely takes much expertise and capital to obtain useful weather data. Is there even a way to open source it? · 7 months ago