2009-12-13 05:29:29
Mens skin and womens skin do have some key differences and it is these
differences that may require the use of unique skin care products and skin care
treatments. It may not necessarily be prudent for men to use womens skin care
products and for women to use skin care products specifically designed for men.
However, some experts believe that as long as the skin care products are good
quality, then they are suitable for either gender. This may be true for some
types of skin care products, but keep in mind that there are real differences
in skin properties between the two genders. Therefore, it is logical that men
and women should use different skin care products in certain situations.
There are six key differences in skin properties between a man and a woman. Of
course, not all of these differences are necessarily applicable to all
individuals. Each person s skin has its own properties that are determined by a
number of factors such as heredity. However, in general, a man s skin does show
differences when compared to women s skin.
Sebaceous Glands
Mens skin has smaller sebaceous or oil glands. This is opposite to what most
people believe to be true. Absorption of active ingredients in skin care
products is primarily through these glands, and therefore this is a
consideration in the formulation of products for proper mens skin care.
Oily Skin
Despite the fact that a mans skin has smaller oil glands, mens skin is
generally more oily than womens skin. This is due to the male hormone
testosterone, which is responsible for the skin generating a higher amount of
oil secretions. The female hormone estrogen results in womens skin secreting
less oil. After the age of 50, the oil secretions in mens skin tend to slow
down making mens skin closer to women s skin in the degree of oiliness.
Higher oil production in the skin means that a man's skin is more susceptible
to acne related problems and other blemishes. Therefore, skin care products for
men need to take this into account in order to function as required.
Skin Thickness
A man's skin is thicker than a woman's skin. This means that women are more
vulnerable to damage of the skin caused by the sun s UVA rays and is one of the
principle reasons why female skin suffers more from sun aging.
The skin on a man s face is more delicate than for a woman. You wouldn t think
that this is the case. However, there are some reasons why this is true:
lubrication and protection
All of these factors result in mens skin becoming more sensitized than womens
skin and more easily irritated.
Skin Aging
As skin ages, its properties change. A mans skin gradually becomes thinner with
age (about 1% per year). A womans skin is more likely to change colour and
texture with age because it is more sensitive to sun damage and because of the
fall-off of estrogen production after menopause. Estrogen maintains the bony
framework beneath the skin, keeps it soft, resilient and healthy. Prior to
menopause, women s skin thickness remains fairly constant.
The amount of collagen in the skin decreases to a greater extent in women than
in men as individuals get older. This is also a main reason why women, who have
similar historical sun exposure to men, appear older than men of the same age.
Skin Cancer
Skin cancer in men and women differs in a number of ways:
specifically to Caucasian men in the United States)
and wear bikinis in the summer months)
shirtless in the summer months)
less hair covering these areas
Nerve Fibers
Finally, there has been some research indicating that a mans skin has less
nerve fibers (about 50% less) that womens skin. This can potentially explain
why it is suspected that females have a greater sensitivity to skin pain.
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Sex differences in humans
See also: Secondary sex characteristics
Humans show some sexual dimorphism, but are less dimorphic than most other
sexual dimorphism).
waist-hip ratio) than women.
needed]. This is due to the enlargement of the lungs of boys during puberty,
characterized by a more prominent chest.
for muscular hypertrophy as a result of men's higher levels of testosterone.
digit (ring finger), while in women the second digit tends to be longer than
the fourth (see digit ratio).
infants with large skulls.
vocal cords (and deeper voices).
Women live longer than men in most countries. One possible explanation is that
more men die young because of war, criminal activity, and accidents. The gap
between males and females is decreasing in many developed countries as more
women take up unhealthy practices that were once considered masculine like
smoking and drinking alcohol, and more men practice healthier living. In
Russia, however, the sex-associated gap has been increasing as male life
expectancy declines.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has produced a number of reports on gender
and health.[16] The following trends are shown:
significant gender difference in rates of schizophrenia and bipolar depression.
Women are more likely to suffer from unipolar depression, anxiety, eating
disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Men are more likely to suffer
from alcoholism and antisocial personality disorder.
sub-Saharan Africa, where more women than men are infected.
disease. However, after age 60, the risk for both men and women is the same.
by lung cancer. In most countries, more men than women smoke, although this gap
is narrowing especially among young women.
may be linked to higher life expectancy and age-related conditions. In
developing countries, women are less likely to get timely treatments for
conditions that lead to blindness such as cataracts and trachoma.
Main article: Sex Differences in Sensory Systems
differentiation of odors, and in the detection of slight or faint odors.
colours, while males are more aware of, and capable of discerning movement.
lower pain tolerance of women.
Other health differences
faster, even when they are asleep.
concentration of androgens while women have a higher concentration of
of blood, whereas women have approximately 4.6 million.