kocka_collector on Station

author: kocka_collector

2022-05-28 11:20 UTC

Lately, in university, I've done a few pieces of homework in Ada (the first ISO OOP language ever), and I've had a few thoughts.

Mainly along the line of: Why on earth isn't this language more popular? It just feels so good to program in, with the mixture of rigidity and flexibility in where you can declare variables, structures, or functions (needs to be in a declaration block, but these blocks can be opened pretty much anywhere), and the fact that threads are first-class citizens. Sure, it uses Pascal-like syntax, which is often annoyingly verbose, but I've actually found this a lot less annoying than the nonsense that is the entirety of Python, or Javascript.

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2022-05-19 12:09 UTC

@skyjake : I've found something that, in my opinion is a bug in Lagrange. I sometimes use Ibus's table input system to write certain unicode characters (specifically the UCSUR toki pona characters). For some reason, in the submission box, this system doesn't seem to work. Given that it even works in things like xterm, I'm a bit curious about why this isn't working. Is it because oof the custom widgets, perhaps? The workaround I've found is to write the text I want to in something else, and paste it in. A bit annoying, but given how rarely I'd be writing this in the submission box, it is workable.

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2022-03-26 09:11 UTC

I was thinking of having a look at homebrewing alcohol (although I'm not a fan of wine or beer), and was wondering a few things. 1) When making ginger beer, would a sourdough starter work instead of yeast? 2) can anyone recommend a low-to-no investment recipe to try that is more advanced than "mix sugar water, flavouring agent, and yeast, and leave waiting for 24 hours"? Or even just other thigns to try this recipe with than ginger?

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2021-12-13 07:52 UTC

Hey, does anyone know what's going on with Öppen? I've been interested in their work for a while, and thought to check on their capsule, but the main page is replaced with a "404 developer not found". The gemlog is still there (gemini://oppen.digital/memex/ ), but hasn't been updated since november.

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2021-11-20 12:13 UTC

Hello, I have written a script inpired by nytpu's gemlog.sh. It was written in about an hour, and does not separate out many of the config options, but it works for my setup. What config options are not hard-coded, are expected as environment variables. you can see it in action at gemini://babiak.duckdns.org/gemlog.gmi (well, technically not, becasue it isn't a CGI thing, but you get it)

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2021-11-07 19:08 UTC

After looking at some statistics, I saw that a relatively large number of capsules were in my second language, Hungarian. However, I couldn't find a way to find them. Can anyone give me links to Hungarian gemini capsules?

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2021-10-28 13:14 UTC

Remember that thing I've made a few posts about? that work of fiction that I don't know how to describe? It's updated again (although I haven't added any commentary yet), and this time, there is a whole lot of conlang stuff going on. Should be enough to work out a bit of the grammar and a few words. gemini://babiak.duckdns.org/abp.gmi Feedback of any kind is very welcome.

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2021-10-22 14:36 UTC

Anyone remember that experimental fiction thing I talked about some time ago and got the link wrong? Well, I've finally gotten around to writing up part two. You can read the whole thing over at gemini://babiak.duckdns.org/abp.gmi . Feedback is most welcome.

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2021-10-20 08:00 UTC

I recently had a crazy idea: collect a bunch of money, buy a horse, build a wooden caravan inspired by the Romani traditions, and go off to see the world. I'd use Solar panels to charge batteries for a laptop and mobile phone, but that's about it. What wise advice to the strangers from the gemini-flavoured interwebs have?

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2021-09-22 13:07 UTC

I have strarted working on a written fiction project over at gemini://babiak.disroot.org/abp.gmi (if I remember the url correctly. If not, there should be a link labelled with something to do with a blank page at the index.) I would be most grateful for any feedback , either here or over email.

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2021-08-11 09:19 UTC

Hello, I've just signed up. Anyone got any recommendations on what to check out?

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