Well, hello World.
1 year ago 路 馃憤 prk, fasckira, martin, gnuserland, cobradile94
@martin Thank you! Yes, I quite like the concept of a /now page. I keep one in both my regular www landing page and here. Lately I've been updating gemini first, then the other page right after (very manually with copy and paste). I'll probably just set up my flounder page to point to my domain at some point so I can stay in gemini all the time and have an automated page over there. 路 1 year ago
Welcome! I just checked out your capsule and noticed you're a fellow Sivers fan (in as much as you have a /now page)... which reminds me that I really need to update mine, and get my stuff onto Gemini at some point! 路 1 year ago
Please tell the worls I am very thankful :) 路 1 year ago
The world said to say "hello" back. 路 1 year ago