馃懡 krixano

AuraGem's YouTube proxy will now download videos in 720p by default. Later on I will add seperate links for different qualities. You can visit the proxy here: gemini://auragem.space/youtube

Note: There are currently some bugs with showing recent videos. I am working on fixing them.

6 months ago 路 馃憤 superfxchip, astroseneca


[1] gemini://auragem.space/youtube


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6 Replies

馃懡 astroseneca

Great. Your capsule is the only one regarding access to YouTube via Gemini. Keep it up. 路 6 months ago

馃懡 krixano

@superfxchip Thanks :D

This project actually started over a year ago just from me wanting to be able to watch YouTube videos over gemini without having to touch a browser. With Gemini Subscriptions and the ability to download videos, it covers basially anything I need. From then on, I started adding things to AuraGem that could replace what I typically use a browser for - that's when I added the Github proxy, and started working on a music uploading service (which isn't finished yet), and a bunch of other things. I plan on working on these projects again to hopefully get them all finished up. 路 6 months ago

馃懡 superfxchip

@krixano subbing to a youtube channel *over* gemini????? hahahaha you're changing the game here! that's amazing , didn't know that about 1080p streams tho yeesh. this on it's own musta been a buncha back n forth 路 6 months ago

馃懡 krixano

@superfxchip No problem! Do note that if 720p is not found for the video, then it goes to the next quality (medium). 1080p hasn't been added yet becuase youtube separates out the video and audio streams for 1080p, so they would have to be combined into one stream before sending to the client, which requires a bunch more work.

Also, if you go to the "All Videos" page on a specific channel, you can use it as a gemini subscription too. 路 6 months ago

馃懡 superfxchip

ahahaha noooo wayyyy, thix works so great! thx so much thats wild you even figured out how to do this wow 路 6 months ago

馃懡 superfxchip

oooooo. so gna test this out now, thx! 路 6 months ago