WWW94 - The first WWW conference. Indexing and Search were key topics. Also, a presentation on client-side Lisp! http://www94.web.cern.ch/WWW94/PrelimProcs.html You probably need to phrase-search the title along with author to find the presentations.
1 year ago 路 馃憤 cobradile94, mntn, lykso
[1] http://www94.web.cern.ch/WWW94/PrelimProcs.html
@kevinsan It's also interesting because the design they came up with has some really remarkable similarities with the design I've come up with. Like it's almost spooky some times. And I designed it with zero domain knowledge. 路 1 year ago
@marginalia It's interesting to contrast the ethos of Google then and now. Appendix A in particular stands out, where they highlight the negative effects of advertising on search. Tinged with irony. 路 1 year ago
"Indeed, we want our notion of "relevant" to only include the very best documents since there may be tens of thousands of slightly relevant documents." Oh how times have changed 路 1 year ago
http://infolab.stanford.edu/~backrub/google.html 路 1 year ago