๐Ÿ‘ฝ smokey

Approximately half of my would be post on station are second-thought deleted. Ill write up something passionate, look it over, think "hey that might be mildly controversial or too political or too topically different for station, I want to keep things light-hearted and not social-media lite" ... goodbye post. Theres probably a healthy balance when it comes to self-censorship but Im definitely not meeting it. Anyone else like this?

8 months ago ยท ๐Ÿ‘ cobradile94


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3 Replies

๐Ÿ‘ฝ krixano

@eph I struggle the same thing with overcorrection, which only makes it that much more irritating without a way to edit posts on Station, lol. But that's my own problem.

@martin @smokey The thing that I always see with debate or conversation on the internet is that it quickly spirals downward. I have had much better experiences with conversations in real life, so I wonder if there's something that's just inherently better with conversing (or debating) in real life than on the internet...

I like to take breaks from social media throughout the year, and I think that can help. ยท 8 months ago

๐Ÿ‘ฝ eph

I know I'm like that too, drafting and redrafting my posts pretty regularly just to make sure I don't come off as "that guy". I struggle with overcorrection I guess ๐Ÿคทโ€ ยท 8 months ago

๐Ÿ‘ฝ martin

I also have a similar self filter. On the one hand I appreciate that we're all conscientious about keeping this place friendly, but at the same time there's definitely is a healthy balance. Nothing wrong with a debate, especially if folks manage to disagree respectfully. As we have no CoC it'll be interesting to see how this plays out over time. ยท 8 months ago