👽 cobradile94

I’ve been going down a rabbit hole of modern attempts at inventing new time measurements. Like decimal time, metric time and beats, I honestly kind of want to start using them.

9 months ago · 👍 eph, moddedbear, twotwos


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3 Replies

👽 cobradile94

@eph I want to get one of those watches that displays the time in beats as well as greenwich. · 9 months ago

👽 twotwos

Playing with time is fun! Since making a timetable program that counts down to the next thing I have scheduled, but not bothering to put in logic to display the countdown in minutes/hours, I've gotten used to using total seconds as a time measurement. "3000 seconds" makes more sense to me now than "50 minutes". I swear it's just more intuitive this way · 9 months ago

👽 eph

I've used beats somewhat successfully, albeit just as a hobby rather than a serious attempt to keep time · 9 months ago