Lol, US media is so hilariously and openly evil. Literally knowing full well the very historty of the country they destroyed (The USSR) while saying that the attacks are "totally unprevoked" and puting just "did it cause he's bad.
Makes no sense.
10 months ago
@digbat I hold this exact position. People just can't seem to wrap their heads around anything that totally isn't in lock step with the US backed narrative.\ 路 10 months ago
i doubt that there is a single terretory anywhere that was not defined (geographically), and always wastefully, by violence, ever - right now ordinary, everyday people who should be deciding what to eat, how to play, what to do tomorrow (regardless of political persusion), are having their lives, bodies, jobs, torn apart by very, very, objectively real munitions, now. @comatoast what is your point? how about some compassion for humans being killied for ideologies! 路 10 months ago
The united states has b een expanding into once russian terretory though NATO for 30 years. Russia has been literally begging the US to keep a buffer area between The country (russia) and a hostile military alliance that goes back to the cold war era which the united states has out right ignored. Everyone has been saying this was going to happen, everyone.
It's not an excuse for killing civilians , or, war in general, but, people have know this was going to happen for years and now the asshurt NPC army and the media are trying desperatly to convince you that people have't been saying this for years.
They have. 路 10 months ago
@pseup Haha, thanks nice. Now get against the wall. 路 10 months ago
Thanks @lykso 路 10 months ago
Oh hey, happy belated birthday @comatoast. Just saw your gemlog post from a couple days ago. 路 10 months ago
@calgacus I generally agree, particularly on the points regarding Putin's "casus belli" and regarding the US getting a free pass on Iraq when they really shouldn't have. Neither invasion can be reasonably defended, IMO. I've replied to this thread primarily because it sounded more like a defense of Putin's actions than a critique of the depth of the US media's coverage. (And even there, I don't agree that "Putin bad" is a valid assessment of, e.g., APNews' coverage. Though I'll grant that I can't speak to how more popular outlets, e.g., Fox or CNN, are covering things, as I don't read them.) 路 10 months ago
big oof there my dude, kindly fuck off 路 10 months ago
@lykso I agree, Ukraine has a Nazi problem but Putin's "denazification" causus belli is flimsy at best. There's no excuse for the invasion of a sovereign nation. The West is not innocent in this conflict, having prodded the bear. Many had warned that continued NATO expansion would lead to war. All these calls were unheeded. Ultimately Putin and the Russia state are responsible for this tragedy but for the West to act that blood is not on their hands too is disingenuous. The US invades Iraq and nothing happens. Russia invades Ukraine and now the Russia people get sanctioned to hell. Give me a break... 路 10 months ago
US media agencies answer to the US government, and they have a personal agenda like every other nation in the world. National propoganda has been around long before the US was a thing. Some fall lies a good portion of the general US population who are simple minded god-fearing folk with equally simple world views. They need "good guys" to root for and "bad guys" to root against. Historically during war-time the easiest way for a gov't to convince a general population to agree to a war is to have a "bad guy" scapegoat to root against be it a person or country. It doesnt help that Russia has been the US's "bad guy" since the cold war era. 路 10 months ago
But this is only the understanding I have from reading "evil" US/Western media sources. 路 10 months ago
I find myself unable to accept the invasion of Ukraine, even if I assume the Kremlin's propaganda is not entirely founded in falsehood. Indeed, by all accounts it does seem Ukraine has a Nazi problem within its military and police ranks. This does not excuse Russia's conduct. And the "not one inch" policy was rightfully promised to the late Soviet Republic, not to Putin's Russia. The members of the USSR were not independent then, and to, e.g., include Ukraine in NATO would have implied taking territory from the USSR. Putin's rationalization of his invasion on those grounds, therefore, smells like bullshit to me. 路 10 months ago
The propoganda machine is hard at work. It's astounding to me how many people have no material analysis of the current conflict other than "Putin is evil and likes to do bad things because he's evil." Insane. 路 10 months ago
@pseup any one who says "yikes" should be shot in the head. @eph it's insane how much propoganda is actually being churned out rn. it's down right tiering. Retards like @pseup didn't even know what ukraine was until the media told them and they eat it right up. 路 10 months ago
@pseup sneed 路 10 months ago
yikes. i thought station was safe from kiwifarm losers and tankies like you 路 10 months ago
IMO the U.S. media glows in the dark like Cherenkov radiation; do you see how many guests on those shows are former alphabet agency employees? 路 10 months ago