👽 gnuserland

It could be possible create a something similar to a classic forum with the Gemini technology?

I miss such experience in the Gemini space, although maybe the Tinylog might be seen as something similar but with the advantage of the decentralization.

Of course Station is a great example but is more suited to be on the social network side...


1 year ago · 👍 cobradile94, martin, lykso, xandra, skyjake, moddedbear, sk, devyl, bronzie_beat, quien, november


👋 Join Station

13 Replies

👽 gnuserland

@sk I found hard to distinguish the "title" from "reply" a simple emoji at least in one the two would make easier to distinghuish those two elements.

Personally I found the layout weak because the hierarchy is not well defined, just simply put Reply as [ Reply ] you are creating a pattern that is better recognizable.

Another exemple if you click over the name of a user you open a sort of history which threads and content aren't diversificate hence is hard to read.

Personally it is not clear, is hard to read and therefore not really pleasant. It is able to be confused despite its minimalistic approach (IMHO). · 11 months ago

👽 sk

@gnuserland i do not see how iich is not also clear, readable, and pleasant. it does not use icons or ascii art - i find those distracting and unnecessary- and goes right to the content, but i suppose not everyone's aesthetics align · 1 second ago · 11 months ago

👽 gnuserland

@sk I missed it. I'll take a look again and I'll let you know my observation.

Although Gemtext "per se" is pretty minimalist is easier falling in something that is confused and quite unreadable.

Gemtext has a lot of constraints but it is still possible doing something nice and pleasant, where organization and hierarchy contribute to create a flowing composition.

Station is one of the greatest example availables: is clear, readable, recognisable and pleasant. · 11 months ago

👽 sk

@gnuserland can you say more about the layout you don't find great? gemini does make it a little difficult for something both minimal but informative · 1 year ago

👽 devyl

Depends in how the cgi-feature is implemented and which languages are supported. on my server for example (which is coded in php) php scripts works directly in the file system structure and server params are available in arrays. so a cgi-based forum from a other server for example in perl wouldn't work on my server and a php-based for my server wouldn't work as cgi-script. and thats the mostly same as on http servers ;) · 1 year ago

👽 gnuserland

@sk & @smokey nice! Didn't know about it.

Indeed it is pretty close to a forum. The layout is not that great but it works.

Do all these (I suppose) CGI "something" works on every server that supports GCI or must be created for the server you use?

I am pretty ignorant about these stuff... 😭

gemini://IIch.space/ · 1 year ago

👽 devyl

It's not difficult to build something like a phpBB... in fact it is as difficult to build it on http :) · 1 year ago

👽 sk

iich.space is anonymous but that sort of thing could be made just as easily certs required... though certs are so cheap it may as well be anonymous anyways. boards and threads are all there, i wonder if it suffices? · 1 year ago

👽 smokey

I bet its feasable, gemini://IIch.space/ is pretty close to a fourm (though not quite) · 1 year ago

👽 gnuserland

@bacardi55 I was thinking about a standard forum, Tinylogs came out more as free thoughts... · 1 year ago

👽 bacardi55

Technically speaking, you could achieve this with tinylog and then a tool that would aggregate entries like comos from @skyjake in a thread format and have a public view of a decentralize forum…

But if you think about it comos in a sens act a bit like a decentralize forum too…

All it would need maybe is a way to organize them in categories? · 1 year ago

👽 lamdanflskm

This would be great. I guess in a sense this is a similar idea, but without topics and subtopics. With the classic vbulletin style forum hierarchy, we could see something super cool pop up. · 1 year ago

👽 cobradile94

I would personally love to see this happen! · 1 year ago