I really hate to orbit around luke smith but there's so much to talk about with that dudes wacky ideology and anti-pornography fetish.
9 months ago · 👍 haze
@tskaalgard: that was my exact deduction to my retort on my blog about his opinions on veganism. His blog says more about him than his youtube ever will. · 9 months ago
(Cont) ....but I feel like more it is my duty and the duty of others to at least attempt to present some sort of counter narrative to what he is saying. · 9 months ago
@All I agree porn is bad as in industrial pornography produced by the infinite generation of profits under capitalism; let me ammend that. I do not that, howevrer that jerking off to porn is bad. I mean, sure, if you are jerking off 10 times a day you might have an issue, but, busting a nut is really no ones bussniess but your own and I don't think there's anything wrong with amature porn that people produced of their own free will and vollition.
@Smokey I would agree more with that if the man didn't have the massive platform he does. I think that he is totally with in his right to have that platform and even have the opinions he has,... · 9 months ago
Pornography is bad for you.
The only website I like of his is http://based.cooking because it's just recipes, no nonsense. A lot of the other stuff he makes comes across as weird American-tradoid Online™ style things; doesn't mean they're not useful. I'm personally really annoyed by the inundation of personal political opinion into a project · 9 months ago
The guy makes some informative videos and informational sites, definitely came across some opinions of his I dont agree with but Im not insecure enough to want someone echoing my own thoughts back at me either. Literally every human being I've ever come across has had wierd fetishes and wacky ideologies in one way or another, its just a matter of picking and choosing which ones fit your taste. · 9 months ago
Oh, that guy that has luxury of living alone in a house and calls people "sheep" for wearing masks in crowded cities? :))) · 9 months ago
Pornography is a problem, but to a far lesser extent than the ideas of this man. · 9 months ago
I really hate Luke Smith. I feel like he's so obviously some kind of crypto-fascist weirdo. · 9 months ago