I finished the first part (on three) of a little essay which take the form of a dialogue on why I'm Christian. I need proofreaders as English is not my forte, and also to criticize my reasoning (as the dialogue is between a Christian, a leftist and a rationalist, I would be especially interested by criticism by leftists and rationalists, but any POV is welcomed).
This text is longish without being too long, it's about 3000 words long. It's a first draft, there's still a lot of work to do.
If you accept to proofread, you can answer here or send an email to adou.00@protonmail.com. I'll send you my text.
Thank you!
8 months ago · 👍 smokey, deerbard, arman
@arman no, it's just for me. If you're interested, you can send me an email :-) · 8 months ago
@krixano yes, I have the same struggles ^^ · 8 months ago
Is this for a class? I have experience with proof-reading · 8 months ago
@adou2 Also, I relate to having parts of one's personality being rationalist and leftist and religious - that seems to describe me as well. My default mode is very rationalistic and logic-focused, whereas I have had to constantly remind myself that logic and empiricism are not the only objective means of gaining knowledge :D . I also appreciate religious experiences and tradition as well. · 8 months ago
@adou2 Ah, ok, that makes a lot of sense. Another thing, your lack of the Oxford comma confused me at first :P · 8 months ago
@krixano Thanks!
Of course leftism and Christianity aren't opposed… I'm a Christian leftist myself 😉. The three characters are, in fact, partly parts of my personality and partly people I met. · 8 months ago
@axion I answered, thank you very much :-) · 8 months ago
This sounds interesting! It's also good that you're tackling the common misconception that there's a dichotomy between science and religion, or faith and reason. This is something that's been tackled by many Christian theologians, including Thomas Aquinas and Augustine and many religious scientists.
One criticism - being "leftist" isn't the same as being against religion(s), and one could be "leftist" and religious at the same time, because the word "leftist" (as well as the word "liberal" and various other words) are very ambiguous and mean a million different things. · 8 months ago
As someone who is a complete atheist, and think religion is a kind of mind cancer, I would love to read your though on that. I'll shoot you an email · 8 months ago
I want to precise too that this text don't mean to convert anyone, I just want to present my view on the subject, very subjectively. And to show that one can be Christian without being an antiscience bigot. · 8 months ago