I was browsing Gopher for a few days, and I don't understand people who say that Gemini is useless as Gopher exists. Don't get me wrong, Gopher is cool in its own way, but it's quite difficult to browse it, mainly because of the lack of true hyperlinks and absence of textual adaptation to the screen. I don't think I could stay on Gopher as much as I stay on Gemini.
8 months ago · 👍 astroseneca, krixano, smokey, schnouki
@adou2 Probably not! 😅 · 8 months ago
I didn't remember where I read that exactly, but I think it was on HackerNews. Probably people who aren't even on Gopher… · 8 months ago
@krixano Good point! Its true that gopher users were the founders of gemini, however I doubt that they are the same gopher users calling gemini useless. adou2 never linked a specific example so I am left to speculate but I imagine its hardcore gopher elitist who would be the ones to make such claims. Im not familiar with the gopher community, but most communities have elitist and gatekeepers. · 8 months ago
@smokey That's possible, but Gemini actually came out of the Gopher community itself. All of its initial users were from Gopher, including the creator (and me, lol).
I personally think Gopher has a different use-case. It's more like a file-system, while Gemini is more like an internet document browser. Gopher's user interface matches up with file-system browsing more than Gopher's does, and it's more hierarchical.
Although, certainly the Gopher protocol itself still needs updated to support TLS and unicode. People have gotten those things to work with Gopher afaik, but its not in an official standard. · 8 months ago
Even though gemini explicitly states that it does not exist to replace gopher, In reality it probably is a little bit. Theres a notion that gopher is largely dead and decaying while gemini is the new hot stuff growing in popularity. The old vs the new. Its understandable if gopher users feel a bit defensive over their protocol and bash gemini to make themselves feel better, pretty human reaction. · 8 months ago