醿メ儬醿樶儭醿⑨償 醿愥儲醿♂儞醿掅儛!
9 months ago 路 馃憤 bavarianbarbarian
@adou they're germanic dialects, but not german if you ask me, cos they are not spoken in Germany. 路 9 months ago
@bavarianbarbarian Does Luxemburgish or Alsatian count as German dialects? 路 9 months ago
Oh I forgot the german translation, in std german this means: Ich w眉rde sagen, ich verstehe nichts von dem was du sagst. Jetzt haette ich gerne eine Scheibe Brot, ein St眉ck ger盲uchertes Fleisch und eine Halbe bier, hast du das verstanden? 路 9 months ago
@bavarianbarbarian hah, me too! There's nothing better than beer, bread, and smoked meat on a spring day. 路 9 months ago
I darad a moi song, i rall vo deim gschwaf goa nix, etz moche an scheddan broud, a breggl gseychds und a hoiwe, host me? This is bavarian, it means: I'd like to say, I don't understand anything, now I'd like to have a slice of bread, some smoked meat and a beer, you understand? Just for the case someone is learning german dialects here. xD 路 9 months ago