I've been getting a lot of writing done lately on my ideas about neopaganism and I'm very excited about this project. How do you all stay motivated when writing? Sometimes I struggle with it, as I spend all day busy at work and it can be easy to drift off-task when I'm home.
11 months ago 路 馃憤 tenebre
Writing inspiration come in burst for me. I let it come and go as it pleases. Sometimes an article can take weeks/months to develop enough. Sometimes when very im into writing something, I can spend hours at a time and ending up with a 15 paragraph essay that takes days to edit. I would say try to get into a long-term habit of writing every day if you can, even if its just a paragrah or two. Dont be afraid of break though, its not a contest and sometimes theres nothing new to write about. 路 11 months ago
I write in small bits when I'm tired, edit when I'm fresh 路 11 months ago
i try and use a pomodoro discipline to break up sessions and find that this allows headtime to reevaluate and gain new perspectives on tasks. as @november changing physical location or stance (squatting, sitting, standing) may be of use. 路 11 months ago
Disclaimer that this may not be useful if you don't use a laptop or other portable device, but I find it easier to get in a mood to write if I physically pick up my laptop and relocate myself somewhere I don't usually sit. It's like it gets me out of my usual rut. 路 11 months ago