It seems this post, this one I am writing here, if no one posts anything between now and when I finish it, will be post 992 of all posts on The Midnight. One can see the post # in the URL of any given entry.
I don't know why I took notice of this, but I did, so now I have to point it out like an obvious person :/
I used to be hung up on post counts, for some reason. On my ten year sludge through Twitter (2009-2019 (years lost forever)), I used to get worked up and enthusiastic about that I had 75K Tweets. It was a testament to how much time I *wasted* there, but it was 75K of SOMETHING I had "done". Ridiculous thing to care about.
Not sure where I am going with this, other than to say that numbers don't count (to me, anymore).
Anyhow, I hope everyone is doing well, and perhaps ~bartender can prepare an iced coffee for me? I could use a bit of a caffeine kick.
I'm hoping to have Twitter deleted off of my phone before the end of the month. Weening off of Social media addiction isn't easy.
As executor of post number six-hundred-and-sixty-six, all I can say is:
I left alone, my mind was blank I needed time to think, to get the memories from my mind. ... NIGHT WAS BLACK WAS NO USE TURNING BACK COS I JUST HAD TO SEE WAS SOMEONE WAA-TCHING ME-E?
Firefox has been disastrous ever since Mozilla cared about the versioning.
Firefox has been disastrous ever since Mozilla cared about the versioning.