 * Copyright (C) 2020 Ivรกn Ruvalcaba <ivanruvalcaba[at]disroot[dot]org>
 * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonDerivative 4.0
 * International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
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 * Filename: pikkulog-july_2020.gmi
 * Author: Ivรกn Ruvalcaba
 * Created: 26 jul 2020 10:50:30
 * Last Modified: 29 jul 2020 12:57:27

Pikkulog // July 2020



Today, exploring "Geminispace", I found the following publication where it is explained how to give color to the text when it is visualized through the terminal, like the one that could be found in a Gemtext document - 'gmi' -, to cite just one example. This is pretty cool ๐Ÿ˜ฎ! What do you think? Do you think I should start giving color to my publications too? Maybe I should  experiment  a little ๐Ÿ˜ƒ!

Shufei's Hive - In Living Colour!


Recently I started reading the book "The Enemy Knows the System" โ€”Marta Peiranoโ€”, an essay in which the author states that "the network is not free, open or democratic; it is only a set of servers, switches, satellites, antennas, routers and fiber optic cables controlled by an increasingly small number of companies" โ€”a fact that was most probably already intuited by many among us. Still, it is rather premature to give my opinion on this, I will have the opportunity to tell my impressions of it ๐Ÿค“.


I must confess that I have not felt so motivated for a long time to write again. My "Debian toolbox" is getting a lot of love as a result โค. I'm in a process of continuously refactoring the tools installed on my computer, which are selectively chosen and optimized to further drive my new workflow ๐Ÿ’ป.

In this vein, my passion for *minimalism* accentuates this task even more. I no longer find pleasure in resorting to applications with a complex graphic interface, my aspirations and preferences are gradually beginning to align with the exquisite capabilities that the terminal emulator gives me. Also, since my current team has very modest capabilities, I am somewhat apprehensive about having to resort to using applications that encourage the excessive use of system resources. I hope to have a little more time to document the applications that I consider a must-have in my workflow โ€”so if you, my dear reader, find this area interesting or intriguing, please stay tuned at ๐Ÿ˜ƒโ€”.


I am currently spending a lot of my free time exploring "Geminispace" in more depth, trying to understand how it is constituted, while at the same time trying to adapt to it, this is basically because I do not have the same cultural and ideological background as the rest of the "geminauts" since many of them come from "Gopherspace" and therefore the transition from one "space" to another is almost natural and intuitive for them โ€”in my particular case, I first knew about the existence of Gemini before Gopher, so I seem to be the new kid in town ๐Ÿ˜œโ€”.

Another aspect that I must face is the fact that the content published on the Geminispace is written almost exclusively in English, a language that I do not master even moderately well โ€”my grammatical ability leaves much to be desired regardless of my reading ability, which is regularly good, so I will be forced to attend "Grammarly" almost indefinitely to make up for my deficiencies ๐Ÿ™ˆโ€” anyway I plan to translate, for the time being, only my less "transcendental" publications, such as my "pikkulogs". I want to start little by little, to recover the habit of writing โ€”as well as putting into practice the English languageโ€”, and in this way not die in the attempt ๐Ÿ˜‚.

Finally, I have come across the recurring jargon used in almost all the "Gemlogs" I have visited, so on more than one occasion I have been forced to consult or interpret its meaning, so I hope that if at any time I use some terminology incorrectly, please do not take it too seriously guys ๐Ÿ˜…!


Today was officially launched my capsule *$ cat /dev/random > /dev/null 2>&1* at Geminispace ๐ŸŽ‰, which is hosted by *Gemlog.blue* colony. It has been a milestone for me since I have always found it quite difficult and uncomfortable to introduce myself to someone else, however as every good cosmonaut who is appreciated as such, I had to comply with the rules of etiquette ๐Ÿ˜›!

Just a small detail, my introduction was made in Spanish, my mother tongue, so maybe it was not very useful, come on comrades, it is always possible to resort to the translator for a noble cause ๐Ÿ™Š!
