Touchy topics to avoid in Asia

2014-10-29 12:21:35

John Krich

Discretion is the better part of valour, or so Shakespeare wrote long before

the first business traveller stumbled up against the Chinese preoccupation with

saving face. In Asia, discretion is the better part of a way of life.

The same blunt speaking that works in the West can lead to roadblocks in the

East. Getting things off one s chest may enhance team building in New York or

Newcastle but upset harmony in Nanjing. Free speech as defined at Hyde Park

corner can be construed as foul speech in a Beijing boardroom.

There are always sensitive topics political, religious, cultural best left

unexplored when foreigners want to make the best impression. Yet defining those

topics can be challenging. Most Asian nations are far less homogenous than they

may appear, with a mix of competing ethnicities and religions.

But take heart, serial foot-in-mouthers and frequent faux pas flyers. Here

are the top ten commandments, some country-specific, some general, for how to

muffle and ultimately muzzle those no-nos of chitchat that can derail East-West


1) Thou shalt not let things get critical.

If you have something negative to say about the work of a new Asian colleague,

always couch it in the positive. In Japan I saw an American s key relationship

with a government official deteriorate because he publically told the fellow,

You don t know what you re talking about. , said Mark Michelson, chairman of

the Asia CEO Forum in Hong Kong. In any culture, you don t want to embarrass

anybody; it s better to be constructive. But in Asia, raising your voice or

pointing a finger can be especially disadvantageous.

2) Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain (especially when it is not

your Lord).

In other words, do not criticise another s god. In India, there are three

opinions about religion: strong, stronger and strongest, said food critic

Marryam Reshi.

In some Muslim regions, such as parts of Malaysia, some religious authorities

say dogs are unclean and contact can be sinful. The sponsor of a recent

initiative for Muslim Malays to touch a dog was greeted with death threats.

3) Thou shalt not press hot buttons.

No matter how youthful the translator, or how hip-looking the chief executive

officer in China, remarks about the three t s that s Tibet, Taiwan and

Tiananmen will be construed as foreign interference, said Mike Chinoy, a

senior fellow at the US-China Institute. In addition, don t praise Japan in

Korea or praise China in Japan, wrote Micha Peled, the director of China Blue

and other documentaries, in an email. In the Philippines, don t joke about the

food or the Pope. For South Korea, mention of North Korea is not advised

either, e-mailed Nicholas Tse, general manager of the Seoul JW Marriott.

4) Thou shalt be politic about policies.

It s probably best not to mention the laws about caning in Singapore, said

Mitchell Farkas, head of China-based production company FarFilms. "An American

once remarked against the Bumiputra (Malay) allocations enshrined in the

Malaysian Constitution, forgetting the Native American reservation system is

similar, recalled A Najib Ariffin, director of Kuala Lumpur s Nusantara

Academy of Development, Geocultures and Ethnolinguistics. This upset the

hosts, who responded by simply retreating from any business with him. Another

hint e-mailed by filmmaker Micha Peled, In India, don t tell people the caste

system is backward or ask why they don t make peace with Pakistan already.

5) Thou shalt not be irreverant.

In Thailand, never make comments that could be construed as negative about the

current king, Bhumibol Adulyadej, or former royalty. Show respect at all times.

If you are prompted, just say he is a great man, said Peter Muennig, an

associate professor at the Mailman School of Public Health at New York s

Columbia University. Even before a royalist military coup, laws banning lese

majeste were seriously imposed. Anything perceived as an insult may offend your

hosts, and could put you in Thai prison.

Women wear hats with pictures of Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej. (Chumsak


Women wear hats with pictures of Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej. (Chumsak


6) Thou shalt not appear insensitive.

Ideas of proper looks and colleagues best features may vary greatly. Never

remark about a Japanese businessman s hair, warned anthropologist Meyumi Ono.

No jokes about baldness, toupees or thinning hair combed forward what the

Japanese call a barcode. Also don t bring up how people smell.

7) Thou shalt not presume when making compliments.

The most annoying thing for Marriott s Tse, who has Chinese heritage but was

raised in the United Kingdom, is when people say, You speak such good

English! . After all, the Asian across the table may have been born in the US

or UK, or extensively educated there. Condescension is a big problem, said

Michelson of Asia CEO Forum. People should try not to generalise about them

when talking with Asians.

Don't take the last steamed dumpling. (Thinkstock)

Don't take the last steamed dumpling. (Thinkstock)

8) Thou shalt mind your manners.

Flattering words in a toast can be undone because of poor form. Make sure when

clinking glasses, that you keep yours lower than your superior, reminded

anthropologist Ono. This is true in China, in particular. It is also important

to never refuse a delicacy offered, Ono added.

Yet show some restraint when it comes to certain food choices, said US-China

Institute s Chinoy, who has had much banqueting experience. Don t be the one

to take those last few dumplings off the plate your hosts will curse you for

having to order more. Don t leave chopsticks sticking upwards in rice. In

Korea and elsewhere, that looks like incense burned for the dead. But loudly

slurping soup, points out Michelson is viewed as a compliment.

9) Thou shalt not take yes for an answer.

In the end, the biggest problem may be less what you ve said than what your

Asian partners have left unclear. I heard of an executive who ultimately lost

his job because he thought a Korean company had said yes to selling a 51%

share when the yes only meant they understood the issue. said Chinoy, In

China, a quick no usually means they want you to offer more, either

officially or unofficially. But in Japan, Thailand and most Asian lands no

is a word never uttered. Instead, delays and excuses are considered more

polite. Sometimes the problem can be just getting an answer. In Thailand,

secretaries and assistants feel it s their job to always protect bosses,

said Briton Ian Semp, brand director of Bangkok s Pacific Beer & Beverage Co.

I ve been told even when I can see them at their desk that they aren t in

the office.

10) Better yet, thou shalt hit the mute.

In Hong Kong, where loud mobile phone conversations are the norm, the main

problem may be shouting your phone conversation over others. But in Japan, any

conversation on a mobile is considered a rude invasion of the public space,

said Ono. As in business conversations, silence is often preferable.

Westerners always think they have to fill that awkward pause, Michelson said.

But ultimately, things left unsaid have more value than what s said.