Midnight Pub

Crimson and Clover


Gonna listen to the Joan Jett and The Blackhearts version and then immediately listen to the original by Tommy James/The Shondells and decide which one I want to put on my "any/all genre" playlist.

As I do so, I will write other stuff

Been listening to "We Didn't Start The Fire" by Billy Joel nightly for the past few nights, and it seems to be even more climactic/powerful each time I listen to it. Like a Pop song that gets stuck in one's head, only instead of the "catchy-ness" being the draw, it's the energy and catharsis of listening to it that makes me want to keep coming back.

It's a tragic song, too. Like a fast checklist of relevant cultural events that were brought on by media...existing! LOL! Some were "happy" events, most were negative, undoubtedly. But all "relevant" in their own way. Cool song :)

Verdict: I will add the Joan Jett version to the playlist, because there's a fairly repetitive (nearly intolerable) part of the Tommy James version that I couldn't see listening to again and again :/ I suck for this, I know, but...whatever. The Tommy James/The Shondells version (the original) is pretty great, all the same.

Now, "The Rain The Park And Other Things" by The Cowsills is playing as I wrap up this post. I remember it as the song playing when Lloyd meets Mary in his fantasy in the movie Dumb & Dumber. Trippy/hippy song, indeed.

~bartender, I'll have a Coca-Cola, as I think they won "the Cola Wars" ;)

hope all are well

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~gardenhead wrote (thread):

check out a.g. cook's version of crimson and clover..his usual work is far outside the genre, but he's such a fantastic producer. especially love how he did the tremolo vocals at the end. cheers!

~tetris wrote (thread):

I've written before how one of my favourite songs is Star One's "Digital Rain", not because it's a good song -- but because there's a nursery rhyme-esque repetitiveness to it that gives me enough energy to play it on loop and get things done. Mannfred Man's "Blinded By the Light" has the same effect.