Managing people - To Motivate Employees, Do 3 Things Well

2016-01-21 09:32:36

Emma Sepp l

January 04, 2016

Given the extraordinary low levels of engagement in the U.S. workforce a

recent Gallup poll showed that 70% of employees are not engaged or actively

disengaged at work many leaders are looking for solutions. Some turn to

material perks (bonuses, game rooms, free food) in the hopes of making

employees happier. However, research suggests that these efforts, while

appreciated, do not address more effective drivers of long-term well-being.

Instead, leaders should be mindful about giving their employees three things:

Inspiration. No matter what your organization does whether it s offering a

service or building products it is important that your culture be infused

with meaning. Studies show that people who have a sense of purpose are more

focused, creative, and resilient, so leaders should make a point of reminding

employees how their work is improving people s lives. Distributing client or

customer testimonials and announcing when corporate profits are donated to

charities are just a couple of examples of how to do so. Research from Wharton

s Adam Grant shows that even unsatisfied employees feel better about their jobs

when they devote time to good causes, and that workplace support programs are

effective not only because people get help, but also because they can give it.

Leaders, too, can be great sources of inspiration to employees. Studies show

that when they act selflessly, proving they care more about the group than

themselves, workers are more trusting, cooperative, dedicated, loyal,

collegial, and committed. Bosses who show they are fair also inspire greater

dedication, citizenship, and productivity, as Wayne Baker of the University of

Michigan has shown. Make sure to work alongside your team members on a daily or

weekly basis, showing your allegiance to them and to the broader organization.

Kindness. We are profoundly social creatures, yet workplaces interactions are

often no more than transactional exchanges. This is a mistake. According to a

U.K. study, companionship and recognition are more important than even high

salaries in promoting employee loyalty. Other research confirms that positive

and warm relationships are one of the most important predictors of

psychological well-being, so leaders must be mindful about the culture they are

creating and the sentiments they express at work. The basics of a kind culture

involve consideration and respect, which increase creative output at both the

individual and team level, as Jane Dutton and her colleagues at the University

of Michigan have found. Leader warmth also matters: research from Dean Tjosvold

at Lingnan University has shown that it can make subordinates more motivated

and productive, and Amy Cuddy of Harvard Business School argues that it can

make managers much more effective. Although expressions of anger may have a few

benefits (for example, Daan Van Knippenburg has shown that some followers

respond favorably to them, and work by Stanford University s Lara Tiedens

demonstrates that in some cases showing anger can make you look more powerful

or competent), on the whole, studies have found that negative emotions

generally cause managers to be seen as less effective. Kind leaders do small

things to show they care about their staff as people, not just employees.

Simply asking how someone is doing personally and really listening to their

answer is a good first step. And these practices can be institutionalized. At

one Fortune 100 company based in the Bay Area, if an employee is seriously sick

or has experienced a loss, the CEO is immediately notified so he can reach out

to the person right away. In one instance, after an executive notified her

manager that she d been diagnosed with brain cancer, the CEO called her within

15 minutes, asking how he and the organization could support her.

Self-Care. Many offices pay lip service to the idea of employee wellness for

example, by offering gym memberships, yoga, or meditation classes but intense

work schedules still don t give people adequate time to take advantage of the

offerings. Wellness programs don t work unless you create a culture in which it

is acceptable and encouraged to prioritize self-care. When you do, however, the

results are profound. According to Sabine Sonnentag from the University of

Konstanz in Germany, exercise, breaks from work, relaxation practices, and more

strict boundaries between work and home can reduce job stress and increase

employee well-being and engagement. You can also encourage people to take more

care with a basic resource: sleep. A well-rested staff is a happier and

higher-performing one. Numerous studies, including this one on U.S. Air Force

pilots, show that sleep deprivation significantly impairs cognitive and motor

skills, while brain-imaging work by Mark Beeman of Northwestern University

shows that breakthrough ideas and solutions to problems come when the brain is

in alpha-mode, that hazy state of mind you find yourself in when daydreaming or

just before sleep. So encourage employees to exercise, take breaks, and get

better rest. You might follow the example of some German companies and forbid

off-hours email except in emergencies, or give employees exercise- and

sleep-monitoring devices, such as Fitbits. Make sure to model taking care of

yourself, too.

During a busy work week, or in the throes of an important project, it s easy to

lose sight of what really drives employee well-being. The best leaders are able

to take a step back and maintain a human touch in the workplace by inspiring

employees, being kind to them, and encouraging them to take care of themselves.

Emma Sepp l , Ph.D., is the Science Director of Stanford University s Center

for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education and author of The Happiness

Track. She is also founder of Fulfillment Daily. Follow her on Twitter

@emmaseppala or her website